Your comments

Hi Leve,

I assume that you are having PLCInputs and PLCOutputs in your project after importing from TwinCAT:

Now you can write to the PLCInput with 

PLCInput.Value = YourValue;

You should write your own behavior scripts and attach this to the Gameobject with the rigid-body where you want to measure the velocity.

Here is a simple example of a behavior script (it is the Sensor_standard script from the Game4Auomation Framework).

This script is sending a "High" to the PLC when the sensor is occupied.

namespace game4automation
//! The Sensor_Standard component is providing the Sensor behavior and connection to the PLC inputs and outputs.
public class Sensor_Standard : BehaviorInterface

  [Header("Settings")] public bool NormallyClosed = false; //!< Defines if sensor signal is *true* if occupied (*NormallyClosed=false*) of if signal is *false* if occupied (*NormallyClosed=true*)
  [Header("Interface Connection")] public PLCInputBool Occupied; //! Boolean PLC input for the Sensor signal.

private Sensor Sensor;
private bool _isOccupiedNotNull;

// Use this for initialization
void Start()
_isOccupiedNotNull = Occupied != null;
Sensor = GetComponent<Sensor>();

// Update is called once per frame
  void Update()
bool occupied = false;

// Set Behavior Outputs
if (NormallyClosed)
occupied = !Sensor.Occupied;
occupied = Sensor.Occupied;

// Set external PLC Outputs
if (_isOccupiedNotNull)
Occupied.Value = occupied;


I am closing this. We can't reproduce it.

yes sure, just call me!


yes, Automation ML is on the roadmap but not with high priority for some reasons:

You are right the Parts4Cad is currently using Collada. We tried also AML with Parts4Cad but if you look into it all AML files we tested did not have any kinematics inside. It was more or less just an AML container for a static 3D Collada file and this does not help a lot.

Another reason for the low priority is that we don't have a real use case where a customer has a standard CAD or simulation solution exporting AML files. In my experience, standard engineering tools that can export a standard AML are still missing. I know that the big OEMs have some own AML exporter from NX or Catia. Do you have got a real use case?

But still, AML is on the roadmap, most probably it will be available in the second half of next year.

Best regards


I am closing this ticket because we could not reproduce it.

For anyone experiencing similar issues.

Problem was that the compile settings were not set correctly:

, that collision layers were not set correctly:

and that Prostprocessing was not included in the Assembly Definitions:

Hi, I can't reproduce the problem. My builds work as expected both Mono and ILCPP.

To reproduce it, it would be necessary for you to send us your project? If needed I could sign an NDA.

Which Android Version are you building to? Are you using Mono or ILCPP? Are you using .Net20 compatibiltiy?