Your comments

Did you build with IL2CPP. Could you try to use Mono?

I have send you a download link with a new dll to try. Do you experience the same problem on a windows build?


will try to find a quick solution. Could you please tell me the Version of OPCUA4Unity you are using?



Hi Leevi,

please check the Youtube Video about TwinCAT. This should show you how to connect it.

It is hard to say what the problem is based on your description. If you send me your existing project I could check where the problem is. I will send you a link via email to upload.

It seems, that you need some basic Unity training. You could also purchase a support package and I will help you and train you via Zoom / Skype.

Best regards


Which version are u using. I can't reproduce. With 1.026 Update works. Used Demo Model and UaCPPServer to check.

Do you have a small demo model - based on UaCPPServer where I can check your issue?


we don't know this error. Could you upload your project? I will send you via email a link for uploading.


usually it should also work with 2019. But we recommend to use LTS (Long Term Stable) releases because Unity is sometimes changing to fast for industrial use cases. We develop and test in 2018.4. On our build server we also try to compile and build with 2019, but it is more risky that we miss something in 2019. So I would recommend to only use 2019 if you really need it.

I just checked latest release and 2019 and it works on my computer without problems. The main menu is available and the demo model is working as expected.

You should also check that you are using .Net4. compatibility level - even if this should be not an issue with the main menu. But some interfaces might not compile without .Net40

There seems to be an issue / collision with anything what is already in your 2019 project. I don't know what. Could you please check the Console log for some more information.

You can do so, but you are not allowed to use one Unity or Game4Automation license on two computers at same time.