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ABB Word mapping

Bo Adam vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert vor 2 Jahren 2


A small time ago we had a conversation about adding bytes into the device mapping of ABB, now i needs words (16bits). 

We are trying to get the Word option to work as well, we have changed the code to the following:

Only thing we are not sure about is the line with accessor.Write(posheader, (byte) 10).

Is this correct or should we change it?

Sorry for the formatting, couldn't find the code button.

if (signal.OriginDataType.ToUpper() == "BYTE")


if (signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCInputInt) || signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCOutputInt))


if (lastbit)

posmemory = posmemory + 1;

bit = 0;

shm.bit = 0;

lastbit = false;

signal.Comment = $"M{posmemory}";

accessor.Write(posheader, (byte) 8);


posmemory = posmemory + 1;



else if (signal.OriginDataType.ToUpper() == "WORD")


if (signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCInputInt) || signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCOutputInt))


if (lastbit)

posmemory = posmemory + 1;

bit = 0;

shm.bit = 0;

lastbit = false;

signal.Comment = $"M{posmemory}";

accessor.Write(posheader, (byte) 10);


posmemory = posmemory + 2;




{ if (signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCInputInt) || signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCOutputInt))


if (lastbit)

posmemory = posmemory + 1;

bit = 0;

shm.bit = 0;

lastbit = false;

signal.Comment = $"M{posmemory}";

accessor.Write(posheader, (byte) 10);

shm.type = SIGNALTYPE.INT;

posmemory = posmemory + 4;



Sorry if you saw my answer on the last message, but i thought it would be good to make a new topic! 

Support vor 2 Jahren

I will add this in one of the next release. For Words you need to write a 9 as Type ID.

Not a bug


Filip D vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert vor 2 Jahren 2

UnityEnginy 2020.2.6f1

Building the project end with error. "ArgumentException: The Assembly ZeroFormatter is referenced by PREspective ('Assets/Plugins/PREspective/PREspective.dll'). But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found.

UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.AddReferencedAssembliesRecurse (System.String assemblyPath, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] alreadyFoundAssemblies, System.String[] allAssemblyPaths, System.String[] foldersToSearch, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cache, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at <8c48e4bc2ff34638b69095cbb65e2e27>:0)

UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.AddReferencedAssembliesRecurse (System.String assemblyPath, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] alreadyFoundAssemblies, System.String[] allAssemblyPaths, System.String[] foldersToSearch, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cache, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at <8c48e4bc2ff34638b69095cbb65e2e27>:0)

UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.FindAssembliesReferencedBy (System.String[] paths, System.String[] foldersToSearch, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at <8c48e4bc2ff34638b69095cbb65e2e27>:0)

UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)"

I Change Global functions "public static List GetGroups()" and "GetAllWithGroup(string group)" But, In corpasion it was witout differences.

I tried to build with differed API settings .NET 2.0 ant .NET 4.x

Probably there is probably problem with PREspective.dll, that doesn't properly connected to Unity, but I am not sure.

Do anybody has an idea ? thank you all.

Support vor 2 Jahren

You have PREspective in your project (Prespective is another Digital Twin product). It is not a part of Game4Automation which is causing your problems. Please delete everything of Prespective or start with an empty project.


Device Mapping in ABB

Bo Adam vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert vor 2 Jahren 14


I am working on connecting ABB robotstudio to game4automation, and I have a question about the device mapping. I have device mappings that go to +-120, How can I make this in robotstudio? I can only see it go up to 9 and then it becomes 1,1, 1,2 etc, does this count as 11,12 etc? 

Another question, Do I have to create empties in robotstudio for every missing device map? I saw the page but didnt understand why you had to create that much empties.

Support vor 2 Jahren

Please try do do this. I am not able to test because currently I have not an ABB Robotstudio with your configuration. Hope it works.

Add Byte to Origin Data Type 

and replace Line 167 following in ABBRobotStudioInterface by this:

if (signal.OriginDataType.ToUpper() != "BYTE")
if (signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCInputInt) || signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCOutputInt))
if (lastbit)
posmemory = posmemory + 1;
bit = 0;
shm.bit = 0;
lastbit = false;
signal.Comment = $"MD{posmemory}";
accessor.Write(posheader, (byte) 10);
shm.type = SIGNALTYPE.INT;
posmemory = posmemory + 4;
{ if (signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCInputInt) || signal.GetType() == typeof(PLCOutputInt))
if (lastbit)
posmemory = posmemory + 1;
bit = 0;
shm.bit = 0;
lastbit = false;
signal.Comment = $"M{posmemory}";
accessor.Write(posheader, (byte) 8);
posmemory = posmemory + 1;

game4automation Starter Edition Questions

game4automation用户 vor 2 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Jahren 1

Hi Thomas, I'm having a problem with game4automation Starter Edition. After I connect to the S7-1200 and import the .sdf file, but the connection icon is gray, not colored as in the video, but I am following the video, is the starter version supporting the communication of the S7-1200? And how do I complete the communication, I have been worried about this for several days.I would very much like to have your help.

Image 532

Image 531

Support vor 2 Jahren

Hard to say what your problem is. Yes for sure, Starter is supporting S7 interface. 

Is it an input or an output what you would like to use. Please make sure, that both are well outside the existing hardware IO adresses, otherwise the hardware status could overwrite the signals from the G4A S7 interface. Do you get any error messages in the console log. Please also check that your PLC is configured like described here:



Runtime UI

steward vor 2 Jahren 0

I love this asset, it's awesome, however, I want to show the number range slider in the runtime inspector. I have seen that the Runtime Inspector & Hierarchy has updated and it can show the number range slider in the inspector, so could you update the runtime UI?


Connection Problem

Soulya vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Stupiddog vor 2 Jahren 4

game4automation: Object [Siemens S7] TCP : Connection Error: Siemens S7 (game4automation.S7Interface)

UnityEngine.Logger:LogError (string,object)

game4automation.Game4AutomationBehavior:Error (string,object) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Game4AutomationBehavior.cs:496)

game4automation.S7Interface:ConnectS7 () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Interfaces/S7TCPIP/S7Interface.cs:496)

game4automation.S7Interface:CheckConnection () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Interfaces/S7TCPIP/S7Interface.cs:478)

game4automation.S7InterfaceEditor:OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Interfaces/S7TCPIP/Editor/S7InterfaceEditor.cs:31)

UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

How to solv this Problem?

Support vor 3 Jahren

You could youse PLCSIM Advanced or PLCSIM with NetToPLCSim (https://mirror-networking.com/docs/).

Second solution should work but it is not officially supported.

Wird überprüft

PLCSIM interface

Kévin vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert vor 3 Jahren 7

It is normal that the connection between PLCSIM interface and PLCSIM advanced is hard to connect?

The first connection work each time when I click play in Unity. However the next connection is realy random and most of the time it is not easy to connect. I have to restrat Unity or the PC.

Support vor 3 Jahren

Yes, Just checked the PLCSIM Advanced interface intensively yesterday and I was not able to see any connection problems. If you still have problems, please send us your PLCSIMAdvanced memory card content, the TIA Portal project and the full Unity project and I will check on my computer.


Kinematic script

Roberto Fonte vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 1

Hello , 

I´m tryng to integrate a robot  Universal Robotic . 

I´m follow this tutorial  

Youtube video

My problem is the when i put one drive on second i can´t move the center to a new position with kinematic

Kinematic Script


Support vor 3 Jahren

Please try to set empty game objects to the correct rotation positions and don't use move center in this case.


Import Signal TwinCATInterface Array

Othman vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert vor 3 Jahren 2

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich möchte gerne Array Variabelen von TwinCAT impotieren (siehe Abbildungen), könnten Sie mir ein paar Tipps geben?

Image 388

Image 389Image 390

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Support vor 3 Jahren

Arrays werden aktuell leider nicht unterstützt.

Beste Grüße

Thomas Strigl



reem elshenawy vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 1

OPCUA - The secure channel has been closed: Remote side closed connection