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Bauteile beim import Gespiegelt

Daniel Mittermeier (Mr Sticks) vor 2 Monaten in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Monaten 1

Ich habe das Problem, dass alle .Step dateien die ich importiere im Editor gespiegelt dargestellt sind. Ich habe .Step-Dateien von verschiedenen Quellen getestet. Jedoch ist jede gespiegelt. Hat noch jemand dieses Problem oder eine Lösung dafür?



Jackson Pham vor 8 Monaten in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 8 Monaten 1

Dear friends,

Is there any solutions that I could import my own step file without using Cad Link (Pro)

I am now using Starter RealVirtual.

My budget is limmted.

Not a bug

Different rotations after update

Bear vor 12 Monaten in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 12 Monaten 1


after I upgraded to version "2022.07", when I use "CADLink", my roboter model has different rotations after importing from a STEP-file. How is that?
That leads to many problems in my project....

Support vor 12 Monaten


please check whether the option "Z is an upward vector" is activated or not. It is activated by default and leads to an automatic rotation after the import. Please let me know if the issue still occurs after checking this.

Regards Christin


.3mf import looks weird

Bram G. vor 1 vor einem Jahr in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 1 vor einem Jahr 2

When importing a .3mf file with CADLink, the material always looks strange. Following example is the sample car import with the .3mf (right bottom) and the .step file (left top). I tried changing many settings, own assets and sample assets, but I can't get rid of the strange colors. Am I missing something?

Image 938

Support vor 1 vor einem Jahr

It could be solved easily and will be part of the next release. I will send you in a private message an update package.


Meshes disappearing when making prefab

Bo Adam vor 1 vor einem Jahr in CADLink aktualisiert vor 1 vor einem Jahr 3


When i'm making a prefab using an imported STEP using the cadlink tool the meshes disappear. Did I forget a setting and how to fix this? I had the "Set and Create Materials" enabled.

Support vor 1 vor einem Jahr


you need to export the imported STEP data as FBX. This will save the meshes permanently. With this FBX you can create a prefab with real-virtual components. The FBX exporter is available in the package manager.

Regards Christin

Not a bug

DllNotFoundException: CadExCore

Stuart vor 2 Jahren in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Jahren 2

I've just downloaded and added your Asset into my project running Unity 2021.3.10f1 and I get this error:

DllNotFoundException: CadExCore assembly: type: member:(null)
cadex.CadExCorePINVOKE+SWIGExceptionHelper..cctor () (at :0)
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SWIGExceptionHelper' threw an exception.
cadex.CadExCorePINVOKE..cctor () (at :0)
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'cadex.CadExCorePINVOKE' threw an exception.
cadex.LicenseManager.Activate (System.String theKey) (at :0)
cadimport.ImportCadData (System.String file, System.Boolean importpmi, System.String quality, System.Single angulardeflection, System.Single chordaldeflection, System.Single scale) (at <77c6c9bfbfbce1f89629dbf4fedd24eb>:0)
game4automation.CADLink.ImportCadData () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:316)
game4automation.CADLink.ImportCad () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:176)

When I click on "Import CAD File"...

I'm running macOS 12.6



Not a bug

Import von .STEP mit UTF-16 codierung fehler

daniel mittermeier vor 4 Jahren in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 4 Jahren 3

Ich bekomme einen Fehler wenn ich versuche eine .STEP Datei mit UTF-16 Encoding zu öffnen. Ist das ein Fehler im Coding oder wird UTF-16 nicht supported?

Leider kann ich die STEP Datei nicht mitschicken, da diese rechtlich geschützt ist.

Hier die Fehlermeldung:
Error: UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversion failed because the input string is invalid
UnityEngine.Object:set_name (string)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ProductStructureConverter:SetName (UnityEngine.GameObject,cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ProductStructureConverter:Visit (UnityEngine.GameObject,cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement,bool)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ProductStructureConverter:Apply (cadex.ModelData_Part)
cadex.ModelData_Part:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Instance:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Assembly:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Instance:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Assembly:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Model:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ModelConverter:Convert (cadex.ModelData_Model)
cadex.Unity_ObjectFactoryImpl:Perform (cadex.ModelData_Model,string)
cadex.Unity_ObjectFactory:Create (cadex.ModelData_Model,string)
cadimport:ImportCadData (string,bool,string,single,single,single)
game4automation.CADLink:ImportCadData () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:354)
game4automation.CADLink:ImportCad () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:182)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke (object,object[])
game4automationtools.Editor.NaughtyEditorGUI:Button (UnityEngine.Object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo) (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/NaughtyAttributes/Scripts/Editor/Utility/NaughtyEditorGUI.cs:179)
game4automationtools.Editor.NaughtyInspector:DrawButtons (bool) (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/NaughtyAttributes/Scripts/Editor/NaughtyInspector.cs:188)
game4automationtools.Editor.NaughtyInspector:OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/NaughtyAttributes/Scripts/Editor/NaughtyInspector.cs:52)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) 


Unable to Create New Material Mapping

pfry vor 4 Jahren in CADLink aktualisiert vor 4 Jahren 1

So I can import a 3MF file created with SolidWorks; however, the result import in Unity appears as a bright violet version of the object. I also just tried manually importing the toy car sample 3MF and the colors were transferred properly. This leads me to believe I need to define a material mapping which I am unable to do within the CADLNK Unity asset features.

I am trying to follow the instructions here https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/cadlink.html#3MF-Import-Settings and see if designing my own material mapping will resolve the issue. However, when I click on the "Create New Material Mapping" button I get the following error

IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
game4automation.CADLink.CreateAsset[T] () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:750)
game4automation.CADLink.CreateMeaterialMapping () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:86)

The line of problem is 

var find = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("StandardMaterialMapping t:ScriptableObject");

string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(find[0]);

I'm guessing the issue is that when I import the CADLINK asset the "StandardMaterialMapping" is not included. I am struggling to find any further documents outlining the details of what a material map looks like. Is there no default option which just takes the color defined in the 3MF file and uses that to create the unity material? I thought that would be the default and was the main appeal of asset. 

Please let me know if there is something I am doing incorrectly, because I'm looking through all the available documentation and other forum responses to try and figure out what is going on.

Not a bug

Main Menu Bar Item not added

pfry vor 4 Jahren in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 4 Jahren 5

Unity Editor Version 2019.4.21f1 LTS

Asset CADLINK https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/game4automation-cadlink-150559?aid=1101l3b93&utm_source=aff

Looking at the documentation here https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/index.html

either the documentation is outdated, or I am having an issue getting the main menu bar item for the game4automation to appear on my editor.

There are conflicting screenshots showing that upon importing the asset it will create a "Tools > game4automation" in the main menu bar, and others showing that the "game4autmation" item will appear in the top level main menu bar. Neither of these are created when I import from the asset store.

I saw previous forum posts stating to use LTS versions of Unity. Should I be on the 2020 LTS version now?


Change the model from CADLink to a prefab (MU)

zhou zhou vor 4 Jahren in CADLink aktualisiert vor 4 Jahren 2


 I use CADLink importing a model into scene and want to make a MU.  How to change it to a prefab quickly ? Thanks so much.

Image 300