Your comments

There are on Github MQTT Libraries for .Net available you could use with Unity.

On our side MQTT is planned but so far not with very high priority because MQTT is not much used on PLCs.

This should work. Are you not able to import the signals with an empty top node ID?

Hi, did you checked the Beta. Is everything working fine for you?

Hi, no I am sorry we can't provide this. It was a prototype and we used in the Unity Project some basic Unity UI-Stuff, the game4automation OPCUA interface and Vuforia for marker tracking.

There will be a value in the next release which will allow to configure the "no responding" time which will set the interface to disconnected. 

Could you send me please your variable table (*.sdf) where you are using DBS for me to check?

Next release is planned in 1-2 weeks. It will be integrated there.

Hallo Herr Klimecki,

das Verhalten ist mir unbekannt. Können Sie mir ein Simit Modell zur Verfügung stellen mit dem ich das Ganze ausprobieren kann. Wie äußert sich der Verbindungsabbruch in Game4Automation. Eigentlich müssten die Prozesse über das SHM komplett entkoppelt sein.


Thomas Strigl

OK but usually PLC Inputs should only be written by Unity and not read.

You could manually create your table using excel (in the form TIA Portal is creating the tables) or you could manually create the IOs in Unity. Please delete the spaces in the names so it should for example be "I5.0" and not "I    5.0"). Maybe this is also an issue.

Q... are PLCOutputs (which only can be read) and I.... are PLCInputs (which you can only write).

Usually during signal table import G4A should automatically create the type needed (PLCOutput.. or PLCInput...).

What I am wondering about are the spaces in the names / addresses. And your signal table looked different from the usual tia portal export. What kind of programming system are you using. Is it the old Step7?