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Reading a NULL value causes disconnection
Every time a node I'm subscribed to is read as null, the client disconnects. The type of the node I'm trying to read is a float if that matters.
OPCUA Interface - Subscription with ClientHandle 78 Value Changed ns=2;s=NodeA Value [25,1]
OPCUA Interface - Subscription with ClientHandle 80 Value Changed ns=2;s=NodeB Value [140305,5]
OPCUA Interface - Subscription with ClientHandle 80 Value Changed ns=2;s=NodeB Value [140207,5]
OPCUA Interface - Subscription with ClientHandle 88 Value Changed ns=2;s=NodeC Value [NULL]
OPCUA Interface - Client Disconnected
This happens with any node, whenever a value is written as [NULL]
Any help would be appreciated about how to make it so that the program doesn't crash.
Thank you.
OPCUA Interface - Connection Error Could not resolve host
WebGL 浏览器报 OPCUA Interface - Connection Error Could not resolve host,错误,哪位大佬知道?
Error in creating new Subscription in Demo Scene (OPCUA4UNITY)
I am using OPCUA4UNITY. When I try out the demo scene with the OPC UA C++ Demo Server, I get this error when trying to read nodes. Importing nodes seem to work fine.
And for some nodes (DateTime in this case) I get this error. None of them seems to work.
Using Unity version 2022.3.0
When I'm trying to connect to RoboDK with OPCUA - getting this message.
How to solve this problem?
Interface losing connection after certain amount of time
When connecting the OPCUA_Interface with a PLC I lose connection with the PLC after a certain amount of time. One kicks me out after 2 min, another after 15 min (2 different connections).
The interface seems not to notice the disconnect because the value of isConnected in the interface stays on true but if I check the connected clients to the PLC the interface is gone (which was there on startup).
Reading a value after the disconnect on node level gives me the status value: Connection error
I import the nodes with the editor button but remove all nodes I dont need. And I dont continuously get new values on the nodes I keep. I can have the same values (no changes) for long periods of time.
Does the Interface only keeps the connection alive if the values continuously update or is something else going wrong?
Yes I understand but the used Library gives us no direct information about disconnection events. And I don't know exactly in your case who is closing the communication when nothing happens - is it the client or the server. I am closing this issue because for the moment we don't have a better solution.
Organizes Reference Infinity Loop Asyncua
When loading the nodes from a asyncua server with an organizes refrence the loading ends in an infinity loop. I have the organizes refrence assigned to an object (against the standard), i dont know if this is the problem. When i use the client in the documentation to test the connection the client is working properly.
Asyncua Unsupported Communciation
I get an error when trying to connect to an asyncua server. The client OPCUA4Unity is loading infinite and the Error Requested Value False was not found shows up:
asyncua.ua.uaerrors._base.UaError: Unsupported message type b'\x16\x03\x01'
License: The evaluation period is expired
When using your plugin I first ran into the problem that I had too many subscriptions for 1 PLC so I changed the OPCUAConnection class to the native OpcClient connection so I could use the Opc.UaFx.Client approach of adding multiple nodes to 1 subscription instead of making 1 subscription for every node.
After I did this I started getting the following error:
LicenseException: The evaluation period is expired, you need to purchase a license to take further use of the OPC UA Framework Advanced. Please contact your support!
What should I do in order to fix this error, cause the connection stops working after a while.
Subscription not working
Hello, we found some problem using the subscription method. Initially we used the polling method (not recommended), but eventually we found out that this starts failing when we try to capture values from different servers at the same time.
Here is the project attached with some debug lines added. We are using Integration Objects OPC UA server to test the subscription.
OPCUA_Interface with Kepserverex Windows 11 communication issue
Dear all,
I experienced a problem when connecting with Kepserverex OPCUA server through OPCUA_Interface in windows 11.
When I specify the IP address in the OPCUA_Interface, the following error appears:
Looks like the problem is in line 133 of the OPCUA_Interface script:
IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry (ServerIP).AddressList[0];
If I remove this instruction, then the communication seems to be established.
This issue doesn't happen when running the same version of Keperverex and Project Unity in Windows 10.
Have any one experienced this issue?
Thank you in advance!
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