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json and value

Fahrul Rozi vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 7


i want to start simulation on CMM robot , i use json data

the data like this

{"mc_access": false, "chuck5": false, "unlock_chuck": false}

how to connect value(true/false) with this robot?

can you explaine with game4automation ?

Image 349

Support vor 3 Jahren

Our product should be enough proof.

With some basic Unity and C# knowledge it should be possible to do what you need. Do you know C# and Unity?

Are you a private person or a company? If you are a private person support needs to be paid in advance per credit card.

Please send me your full contact data for a full offer.


MQTT + game4automation

Fahrul Rozi vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 2

hi i have a problem with mqtt+game4automation

i buy your asset plugin

i received data from MQTT Broker,and that is json format(like screenshot)
i want to add this coordinat to 3D object(fanuc robot yellow)

can you help me?

so my goal is real robot simulation with robot on unity via MQTT

please reply soon

Image 346

Image 345

Support vor 3 Jahren

Hi, this is possible. Some programming / scripting is necessary from your side. What kind of MQTT Asst are you using inside Unity?

MQTT interface is planned later on this year. Please understand that we can't provide for free individual support. 

You could purchase a support budget and we could do what you need within this budget.


VR in Game4Automation

Pablo Navarrete vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Jahren 1

Hello forum

I bought an Oculus Quest 2 headset last week and I would like to know if its possible to connect it to the demo of Game4Automation.

Is there any resource about how to use VR in Game4Automation?

Thanks in advance and please, try to translate the menu of the forum cause we all arent german :)

Support vor 3 Jahren

Hello Pablo,

G4A is fully compatible with more or less all VR/AR solutions you can find for Unity.

you should follow the Occulus Documentation:


Or you could use Steam - the advantage with Steam is that it works with most VR headsets on the market:


At the end, you need to integrate with all that VR Applications some standard Assets in your project and in your scene some standard components like VR Camera, Teleport and so on. You will need to deactivate or delete the G4A Camera because camera movement will be replaced by the VR application.

Maybe I will do soon an official tutorial about that. But if you follow the VR documentations and tutorials on the web you should be able to do that.

And sorry, did not notice, the forum is now also in English...

Best regards



Chain rotation is bugged

SMF - 3PTechnology vor 3 Jahren aktualisiert vor 3 Jahren 8

I implemented your chain script as descript in https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/chain.html and as you have done in the scene DemoChain. The rotation of my chain elements are not correct and jumps at some points along the chain. All my anchers and all their tangent have rotation (0,0,0). I don't understand what I have done wrong. 

Image 316

Support vor 3 Jahren

I don't know exactly how you would like to align the objects. But playing around with the Align Object and the rotation of the geometry in your Chain Element should do the job. Please check the video:



Automatic aggregation of objects and relations

Christiane vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 4 Jahren 2


I am wondering whether G4A includes some way to automatically derive a meaningful object hierarchy and derive relations (e.g. spatial relations such as RCC8 relations). When you import models from CAD, there is often quite a "flat" hierarchy, i.e. most objects will be on the same level (e.g. a screw is on the same level as a motor). But this is usually not what you want, it would be better to have a "higher-level" hierarchy computed based on the positions of objects relative to each other. Similar with the relations like adjacent etc. Is there a way to derive this automatically in G4A? In the documentation I could not find anything.

Best regards,



OPCUA Data cannot be updated

liubaoyue vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 4 Jahren 5

Image 275

Support vor 4 Jahren

Sorry we can't tell you what is wrong based on this rough information. It could be your Unity Configuration or the OPC Server configuration .....

To be able to check it we would need an example based on an OPCServer we can test with.

Please try to rebuild your problem based on UaCPP C++ Demo server (will send you a download link for this test server in a private message later).

Please upload your project where you can reproduce your problem based on UaCPP Demo server here:  https://game4automation.com/send 


multiple PLC's

Willem Van Der Gaag vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 4 Jahren 2

Is it possible to use multiple PLC's that are connected to a singel switch. For example by adding multiple s7 interfaces?

Support vor 4 Jahren

yes for sure. Each PLC must have a different IP address. Numbers of interfaces in one scene is not limited.


I want to connect and sent,get data from general microcontroller such as m5stack to game4automation in unity3d.

wittawat vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert von Support vor 4 Jahren 2

If I want to connect and sent, get data from general microcontroller such as m5stack to your system through mqtt or / and http post get method is possible? My work is general digital twin on microcontroller, not robot arm.
Please advise.

Support vor 4 Jahren

There are on Github MQTT Libraries for .Net available you could use with Unity.

On our side MQTT is planned but so far not with very high priority because MQTT is not much used on PLCs.


Gibt es ein Turorial, das erklärt, wie man einer Roboter-Beispieldemo mehr Roboterpositionen hinzufügt?

desjardins vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert vor 4 Jahren 2

Gibt es ein Turorial, das erklärt, wie man einer Roboter-Beispieldemo mehr Roboterpositionen hinzufügt?

Support vor 4 Jahren

Nein leider nicht. Es gibt mehrere möglichkeiten einen Roboter bewegen zu lassen. Die beste ist eine externe Inverse Kinematik zu verwenden (RoboDK, ABBRobotStudio....) in der man die Roboterpositionen an einer Robotersteuerung teacht. Der Roboter in Unity ist dann mit den einzelnen Achsen der Robotersteuerung verbunden.

In Game4Automation selbst ist keine Inverse Kinematik enthalten. Hier kann man nur die einzelnen Achsen verfahren was relativ mühsam ist. Im Demomodell haben wir das so gemacht un in einer Unity-Animation die einzelnen Achspositionen festgelegt.


It is possible to drop the can in any position?

Juliano Cortes vor 4 Jahren aktualisiert von Stupiddog vor 3 Jahren 3

I want a very realistic physics to simulate the robot taking a can and dropping the can when the gripper is opened. It's possible?
Support vor 4 Jahren

You will need to set the Values "PlaceObjects" or the corresponding values to true to loose the can. If you use PickBasedOnCylinder this can be controlled by a connected cylinder. So the Can should fall down whenever you open the Cylinder.