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Error importing the Package
I get this error when I import the package to Unity:
Assets/game4automation/private/RuntimeUI/SceneMouseNavigation.cs(801,38): error CS0103: The name 'SpaceNavigator' does not exist in the current context
Circular conveyor belt
I wanted to achieve a circular conveyordemo effect (Fig1), a reference to radialConveyordemo (Fig2), but the MU transported in a circular conveyordemo is skewed in position, and I froze the XYZ rotation of the MU
Fig 1
Fig 2
We found the issue with Prosys.
OPCUA Interface - Error in activating session
Dear all,
I'm having problems to connect to a remote OPC UA server using the OPCUA Interface Component.
I followed the "Connection troubleshouting" guidelines provided in "/game4automation/Documentation/opcua.html".
Configuring the OPC Server with "No security certificates and passwords" I could connect OPC Watch with the server (see Image):
However, when I tried connecting through the Unity OPCUA Interface:
I get the following error message:
OPCUA Interface - Error in activating session [BadUnknownResponse]
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
game4automation.OPCUA_Interface:Connect () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Interfaces/OPCUA4Unity/OPCUA_Interface.cs:179)
game4automation.OPCUA_Interface:EditorImportNodes () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Interfaces/OPCUA4Unity/OPCUA_Interface.cs:246)
game4automation.OPCUAInterfaceEditor:OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/game4automation/private/Interfaces/OPCUA4Unity/private/Editor/OPCUAInterfaceEditor.cs:20)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
As it can be seen in the last image, I'm using Unity 2021.3.2f1 Editor with Game4Automation Digital Twin Professional 2020.
Any idea of what I'm missing?
Thank you in advanced.
Hi, I checked. I found an issue with reconnection, that is why I am attaching here a new script. This will be included in next release.
The disconnect problem and the PLCOutputBool can't be reproduced here on my computer with Simit.
No Mutex PLCSim Advanced Interface proble
we are using the PLCSim Advanced Interface.
We can Import the PLCSignals without any Troubles:
The first time that we start the simulation in Unity everything is working fine (COM OK).
But after we stop the unity editor and try to start again, we get “No Mutex”... so no communication is established between the plc and Unity.
We found out that creating a new PLC Instance and re-importing the signals “fix the error”... but just for the first run. Then we have to repeat the process of creating a new PLC again and again...
Could be some background process blocking the communication? Thank you in advance.
Robodk version with game4automation professional or game4automation OPC UA
Which version of robodk is compatible with game4automation opc ua or game4automation professional. I ask, because I want to communicate robodk 4.0 with game4automation professional.
When will Unity 2019 be supported?
I was wondering when will OPC UA for Unity 2019 will be supported?
With kind regards,
Stan (Developer at Siemens)
Hi, we have no tutorial about that.Even if Unity 2019 is not officially supported yet, you should be able to get it running. What is your problem. What kind of error messages do you have?
Questions about the use of s7 PLC
When using S7Interface, some S7Interface can connect to many points, and some S7Interface will be disconnected if the number of connections is too large, please see the picture, as if: Negotiated Pdu Lenght is related to this value. May I ask how Negotiated Pdu Lenght is set? Why is it 480 or 240? If Negotiated Pdu Lenght is 240, too many signals cannot be connected.
There is also a question about: how to use the Area Read Write Mode, if I need to read 56 points from the PLC's DB block and write 12 points, how should I fill in the configuration.
Looking forward to your reply very much!
Hi, I can't tell you in detail why the negotiated Pdu lenght is like that. We use Sharp7 as a basis library for the S7 communication. I think this defines the length of the telegrams but it does not defines the number of the signals. If needed multiple telegrams are send for covering all signals. On AreaReadWrite Mode you sould enter min and max adress - so if your DB is 100.X to 140.X you should enter 100 and 140.
VR Headset and HMI
Hello, I have a question: Is it possible to display the HMI components on a VR headset with XR Origin?
Hi, this is possible but you might need to do changes in Unity canvas or other things. All we do is source code open so you can adopt it to your needs.
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