Your comments

You just need to drag and drop a material with the wished color on the mesh of the frame.

What do you mean with Conveyor Teil. Something that is transported (MU) or the conveyor itself?

Sorry I missed it.There also needs to be GAME4AUTOMATION in the compiler defines.

Apply standard settings should do the job. 

Normally this is called upon first installation. What kind of products do you have got. Did you had any compiler errors when first installing Game4Automation Asset.

If there are compiler errors directly after installagion e.g. by some naming collissions with other things, that are also in the project, it might happen that the standard settings are not set as wished.

Something is wrong - if you are using Game4automation Professional the  OPCUA node sould also automatically be added together with e.g. the PLCOutputFloat Script. Please check if in your installation this compile swith is set

(see also

Create Signals should be turned on on the OPCUA interface -this will create also the PLCOutputs while importing the signals:

Or you just add manually the OPCUA_Node together with a PLCOutputFloat for example.

What kind of OCUA Server are you using. Is there any possiblity that we test and debug with the same server?

Hi Mateo, did you find a solution. I was still not able to run your test server. Maybe you could also check if you find anything related with your situation. If not we should maybe do a debug session via teams on your computer with your opcua server.

I am sorry for the problems. If you have problems you could downgrad to the OPCUA solution in our Version 2020.13 and before. But there were reasons for chaning to the new version. Mainly because of open source, pure .Net, Andoid, IOS and Hololens compatiblity. The new library is based on  But there are still issues and we are going to improve it in future.

PLCSIM is not officially supported. PLCSIM Advanced interface won't work with PLCSIM. But you can follow the guide apove and make it work with Nettoplcsim (see post above) and G4A S7-TCPIP interface .  but it is not an official and supported solution from our side. 

... and if you need a pulse encoder - sending pules every xxx millimeters, this will be available in one of the next releases. If you are a customer and purchased a professional version - please send us an email to with your Invoice and we can send you a beta of the pulse encoder. 


Sie können mittels eigener C#-scripte für sich selbst eine solche Automatisierung schaffen. An Kunden können sie dies so nicht rausgeben, da diese dann ebenfalls eine Unity und game4automation Lizenz benötigen. Wenn sie ihre Anwendung als Build rausgeben benötigt ihr Kunde keine Lizenzen, allerdings müssen sie dann auch ein passendes UI erstellen.