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How to install

Roberto Fonte 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 years ago 8

Hello , 

I just buy Game4automation pro and conveyor but i can´t install . 

My instalation fail . I try to follow the manual but without sucess.

According the manual  new menu should appears but on my case it dont appears :


I can import the package from the store but not like the same procedure that is on the manual .

I just press on the bottom import  on the store.

Image 371

Support 4 years ago

You should have any kind of error in the console log which should point you in the right direction. 

Please always check and send us the log in case of problems.


Share-Space for custom Behavior Scripts

carHock 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 years ago 2


is it possible to implement some kind of share space into the forum or website, where users can upload their custom made scripts to extend the functionality of the implemented behavior scripts?


S7 interface DB write bug

Дмитрий Мурашов 4 years ago in General Questions updated by ctbenergy 4 years ago 1

I write in S7 interface in DB1.DBX1.0  but on PLC it is writing in DB1.DBX1.1

Image 347

Image 348



konrad tschurtschenthaler 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 years ago 2


I played a little bit with the conveyor and the sensor form the starter tutorial. I noticed that if a MU is occupying the sensor and then I delete the MU either manually or with a think, the sensor continues to be occupied. In order for the sensor to be free, I first need to move the MU out of the sensor collision box and then I can delete it. In my opinion the senor shouldn't remain occupied if the MU that occupies the sensor is deleted.


Kuka VKRC , integration example.

Дмитрий Мурашов 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 years ago 5

Kuka VKRC , integration example.

Youtube video
Support 4 years ago


nice work. How did you connected to KUKA. 

There seems to be still a cycle time problem. If you would like I could support you, if you support me for getting it into the Professional version ;-)

Best regards



RobotDK jitter

Дмитрий Мурашов 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 years ago 2
Hello, i add RobotDK API to game4automation
Youtube video
if check on video Comm cycle in very long, without moving in RobotDK it's 3-5ms, during movment is is 1500ms, is any possibility to make it smaller and more stable? or it is problem of RobotDK ?

Here is code od RobotDK script.

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Sharp7;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace game4automation
public class RoboInterfaceDK : InterfaceThreadedBaseClass

[ReadOnly] public string notifybar;
[ReadOnly] public string txtJoints;

public string Adress = "localhost"; //!< The ip adress of the PLC

public Drive Axis1;
public Drive Axis2;
public Drive Axis3;
public Drive Axis4;
public Drive Axis5;
public Drive Axis6;

private RoboDK RDK = null;
private bool starting = true;

// Keep the ROBOT item as a global variable
private RoboDK.Item ROBOT = null;

public bool Check_RDK()
// check if the RDK object has been initialised:
if (RDK == null)
notifybar = "RoboDK has not been started";
return false;

// Check if the RDK API is connected
if (!RDK.Connected())
notifybar = "Connecting to RoboDK OK!";
// Attempt to connect to the RDK API

if (!RDK.Connect())

notifybar = "Problems using the RoboDK API. The RoboDK API is not available...";
return false;

return true;

public string Values_2_String(double[] dvalues)
if (dvalues == null || dvalues.Length < 1)
return "Invalid values";
// Not supported on .NET Framework 2.0:
//string strvalues = String.Join(" , ", dvalues.Select(p => p.ToString("0.0")).ToArray());
string strvalues = dvalues[0].ToString();
for (int i = 1; i < dvalues.Length; i++)
strvalues += " , " + dvalues[i].ToString();

return strvalues;
//return "";
public void SelectRobot()
notifybar = "Selecting robot...";
if (!Check_RDK())
ROBOT = null;
ROBOT = RDK.ItemUserPick("Select a robot", RoboDK.ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT); // select robot among available robots
//ROBOT = RL.getItem("ABB IRB120", ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT); // select by name
//ITEM = RL.ItemUserPick("Select an item"); // Select any item in the station
if (ROBOT.Valid())
ROBOT.NewLink(); // This will create a new communication link (another instance of the RoboDK API), this is useful if we are moving 2 robots at the same time.
notifybar = "Using robot: " + ROBOT.Name();
notifybar = "Robot not available. Load a file first";

public bool Check_ROBOT(bool ignore_busy_status = false)
if (!Check_RDK())
return false;
if (ROBOT == null || !ROBOT.Valid())
notifybar = "A robot has not been selected. Load a station or a robot file first.";
return false;
notifybar = "Using robot: " + ROBOT.Name();
catch (RoboDK.RDKException rdkex)
notifybar = "The robot has been deleted: " + rdkex.Message;
return false;

// Safe check: If we are doing non blocking movements, we can check if the robot is doing other movements with the Busy command
/*if (!MOVE_BLOCKING && (!ignore_busy_status && ROBOT.Busy()))
notifybar = "The robot is busy!! Try later...";
return false;
return true;

//! Updates all signals in the parallel communication thread
protected override void CommunicationThreadUpdate()
if (!Check_ROBOT(true)) { return; }

double[] joints = ROBOT.Joints();
//Mat pose = ROBOT.Pose();

// update the joints
Axis1.TargetStartMove = !Axis1.TargetStartMove;
Axis1.TargetPosition = (float)joints[0];

Axis2.TargetStartMove = !Axis2.TargetStartMove;
Axis2.TargetPosition = (float)joints[1] + 90;

Axis3.TargetStartMove = !Axis3.TargetStartMove;
Axis3.TargetPosition = (float)joints[2] - 90;

Axis4.TargetStartMove = !Axis4.TargetStartMove;
Axis4.TargetPosition = (float)joints[3];

Axis5.TargetStartMove = !Axis5.TargetStartMove;
Axis5.TargetPosition = (float)joints[4];

Axis6.TargetStartMove = !Axis6.TargetStartMove;
Axis6.TargetPosition = (float)joints[5];

string strjoints = Values_2_String(joints);
txtJoints = strjoints;


public override void OpenInterface()

if (RDK == null) { RDK = new RoboDK(); }

public override void CloseInterface()
//if (!Check_RDK()) { ;}
// Force to stop and close RoboDK (optional)
// RDK.CloseAllStations(); // close all stations
// RDK.Save("path_to_save.rdk"); // save the project if desired
RDK = null;


private void Update()
/*if (Check_RDK()) { starting = false; }

if (!Check_RDK() && !starting)
RDK = new RoboDK();



Support 4 years ago

Hi, I checked your example on my computer. It moves smoothly on my side´(RoboDK and G4A),

I think your started to implement your own RoboDK Interface because you did not purchased professional version - right?

It could save you some time to use G4A Professional. Please get in contact with me if you need an offer.


S7PLC to PLCSIM Compact

Дмитрий Мурашов 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Stupiddog 3 years ago 3

Here is solution for S7PLC connect to PLCSIM Compact, comment in S7Interface disconection timeout.

SetPDU to 10 (working not stable and max 5 byte in, 5 byte out)

Image 292

Image 294

And using Nettoplcsim-S7o-v-1-2-4-0 program

Some features in configs NetToPlcsim



sc stop "S7DOS Help Service"
START /B NetToPLCSim.exe -f=S7Test.ini -s=NO -autostart

sc start "S7DOS Help Service"
"D:\Program Files\Siemens\Automation\S7-PLCSIM V15_1\Bin\Siemens.Simatic.PlcSim.Compact.exe"



NetworkIpAddress= //External IP of PLCSIM , adress of Ethernet board
PlcsimIpAddress=   //internal IP of PLCSIM , not change this one

And now can connect to PLCSIM

Image 295


Why my g4a project everytime I enter play mode stops working?

Matteo 4 years ago in General Questions updated 4 years ago 6

H, I'm currently working on my first project. I have added some drive scripts and some Mu and source, it is small at the moment and without any physics, but every time I press the play button to see my scripts in action, unity stops working and it took approx 3 mins to start or close the play mode and all the changes I made will disappear even though I saved them, I am talking about the bottom entity inside the game4automation gameobject. I tried to uninstall unity a couple of times, and this issue is still here only for my projects with the g4a asset on it, all my other unity projects ( even bigger one) will run without any problem. I should also mention that my pc is new and powerful. How can I fix this? I need to work on my final dissertation and like this is impossible.

Support 4 years ago

Based on your description it is hard to say where your problem is. Did you followed these steps?


If these steps don't help please export us your project and we will look into it.


Colider Box , vertical movment on chan element

murdemon 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Дмитрий Мурашов 4 years ago 13

I add chain with chain element, and make chain element as transfer surface. But when cans comes to chain element it is holding only in vertical moving , but not for horizontal, there is video, what i miss?

Youtube video
Support 4 years ago

OK we found a solution. Thanks for sharing your information.

Here is a video about it, will be in the release next week. If you need the changed scripts earlier please send me a message.



Changing local zero point for mesh

murdemon 4 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 years ago 1

How can i change local zero point of mesh from parts4cad? i want add drive (rotation), but zero point of rotation is wrong. 

Support 4 years ago

For changing the local 0 point you could embed it into an empty game object manually or use the Kinematic script for doing that on startup or you can change the zero point on the CAD side.