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How to add custom UI

haoyu yi (Hari) 3 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 3 months ago 4

I would like to ask about how to add custom UI and buttons

I now want to try to add some custom buttons for my own functionality, but when I add a new Text text at the UI level under the game4automation object, I can't view his position in the edit screen. Usually I can view it in the edit screen and adjust his position and Canvas size, but now I can't see it in the realvirtual template project.

Can you tell me how I can get the UI object to show up in edit mode or how to implement a custom button to achieve the functionality I want for myself, I didn't find in the documentation how to do it.

Image 1027

Support 3 months ago

Oh yes, sorry to mention that the layer also needs to be turned on.


Twincat Verbindung erst im Build herstellen

jnthn 4 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 4 months ago 1

Guten Morgen und frohes Neues!

Ich habe einen fertigen Build, die das Twin Cat Ads Interface nutzt. Ist es möglich, die PLC Net Id und Port Eingabe so zu konfigurieren, sodass man erst im Build selbst diese Daten wie eine Art Login angibt? Das Ziel ist hierbei, dass jemand mit dem Build allein und der Beckhoff Steuerung die Verbindung aufbauen kann ohne Zugriff auf Unity selber.


Axis (Inverse Kinematics)

digitaltwin 5 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 5 months ago 1

I've set all my axis in Blender and I exported the robot over. As the axis are already set I did the Drive and Constraints directly on each sub component of the robot. 

Image 1015

Will this create any problems for me?


Robot IK path to path bounce

David Hallahan PEng 6 months ago in General Questions updated 5 months ago 8


I've taken your prefab Stauebli robot and the path it comes with and simply made a second copy of the path then run the two paths in sequence by using Start Next Path. You can see in the video that the robot TCP jumps when transitioning from Path 1 to 2. Is there a way to correct this? 

There are no Position Corrections applied or new TCP. 

I have seen this in all the pathing that I have tried, regardless if Position Correction or new TCP is used. Some correction (bounce) happens when moving from one path to another. 

It's a big issue because very often a path into a position is not the same as a path out (in a pick and place application) and this issue creates unusable behavior in this situation.


Video https://i.imgur.com/hsgUAv5.gif

Image 1002

Image 1003

Image 1004

Support 5 months ago

The issue is solved in a beta package, which is available to our customers. Will be included in the next release (upcoming 2022.10).


MU not moving properly

linlinoful 8 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 8 months ago 1


MU is sitting on transport surface. Moving up and down is possible but moving to the left and right does not cause the MU to follow (see pictures). Any ideas?

Image 974

Image 975

PartChanger unexpected situation

xingbutou 8 months ago in General Questions 0


“part changer” component erro

my original cube(yellow one) has the MU scirpt,and I have set two MU appearences :cube1(red),cube2(blue).They both have rigidbody and collider,and are on MU layer.In this DemoChangeMU Scene,I just set those cans and MU active state to false,trying to repalce them with some cubes.

HERE is the problem:at the moment that yellow cube been detected by sensor0,it immediately jumped to a strange point as the picture shown,and the sensor0 is still high(keeping red) even those two objects have separated(in this scene the sensors do not use raycast but a collider ).


In this same demoscene,Can2 and Can3 are active in Scene mode.But when I click the play button,active state of Can2 and Can3 are immediately become false automatically.I tried to find the reason,but I did not find any script for this change.And I thought maybe it is because the “Group” ,so I also put my cube1 and cube2 to a group named changer as the picture shown.BUT,when I click the play button

,my cubes are still visible.I cant figure it out why.

Image 970

Image 967

Image 968Image 969

sensor cannot work normally

xingbutou 8 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 8 months ago 6

I meet a simple but  truly strange problem.In the picture below,I‘m using a sensor to detect if something pass through.However,even I have put the Steuerschrank into MU layer,my sensor cannot detect it.In other occasion,I use the prefab--cans,this sensor could work normally.someone could help me?I have spend nearly one week on this problem. 

Image 958

Support 8 months ago

With a Raycast based Sensor you don't need to use colliders but you need to define the layers where the Raycast is sending to. It is the same Layer as the Sensor is and additional Layers which you can define. 

For a non Raycast (Box Collider) based Sensor - the Sensor should be normally on the layer rvSensor. Please also check the doc information about the collsission matrix for colliders.


Creating a digital twin

linlinoful 8 months ago in General Questions 0

Hello friends,

i need some help at creating a digital twin of a logistic system. The Box should go over the transport system. Then when it arrives at the end (detected by Sensor) the Plattform (white) in the middle should take it and put it in the shelf. It has a OPC UA connection and the various variables are available. I need some help appling this in unity bc i'm a beginner and not know all of the components.

Image 952


Fehlermeldung Transportsurface

linlinoful 8 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 8 months ago 3


Ich bin gerade dabei einen Digitalen Zwilling eines automatischen Kleinlagers zu erstellen. Nun bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung wenn ich in den Game Modus gehen möchte. Ich vermute ich habe irgendwo ein Drive zu wenig. Könnt ihr mir sagen wo?

Darüber hinaus fällt meine Kiste ins unendliche und bleibt nicht auf dem Föderband stehen. Wie "befestige" ich die Position?

P.S.: Ich bin noch Anfängerin in diesem Gebiet und bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.

Image 948


Direction vector disappeared

Bo Adam 10 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 10 months ago 8


I used to have the purple direction vector of a drive visible in the scene window when selecting a component with a drive, but now it disappeared. Do you know how I can get it back? 

Support 10 months ago


please check if the gizmos are enabled and check the scale of them.

Regards Christin