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Help doing a basic project.

G Tardio 6 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 5 months ago 6

I want to do a project that looks like the demo, but i have tried to do it modifying the demo but i have no clue. I am looking on how to do a conveyor with a sensor at the end. I want to make two sources, two cans with different heigts, one one (i would like to make them appear random, but that i will try to do it further along the project since i guess is harder). Then the ones that are high enough to make the sensor go on, to grap them and put them on a parallel conveyor. When a can touches the first conveyor, i want the conveyor to stop until it is picked up. 
later on, i would like to connect this to a plc siemens, so i would like to get started this project by projecting it on this goal (meaning to put the sensor as an output, something like that)
I am looking for help to put me in the path on completing the project because i do not know how to start and i have watched the tutorials. Any help is appreciated.
thank you



Jackson Pham 7 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 7 months ago 1

Dear friends.

I already connected PLC S7-1200 and Unity sucessfully.

However, There is no data signal exchanged between PLC (Tia Portal) and Unity.

Please help to find out and solve this problem.

Your prompt support will be highly appreciated.

My test: Turn on the light from Unity via Plc S7-1200.

Support 7 months ago


please check if everything is configured well, specially:

- Prevent collissions with real inputs 

- Configure the PLC like described here: https://doc.realvirtual.io/components-and-scripts/interfaces/s7-tcp#configuring-the-plc 

Best regards



AR Support for Apple

bbbarie 7 months ago in General Questions updated by Engin Gülgör 7 months ago 2

Is the AR experience compatible with the Apple Vision Pro as advertised on the website, or is support still pending as stated in the documentation?


Custom UI button images

Cris 8 months ago in General Questions updated 8 months ago 2


I am trying to use my own images for button-off and button-on states.

But I can associate only the image for button-on. 

The image for button off remain as default.

Is there something I can modify on the UIButton script?


Support 8 months ago


The images for the UIButton are automatically set according to the color defined in the UIButton component. Currently, using alternative images is not supported. However, HMI buttons from Professional/HMI can be utilized, allowing the definition of custom images. If Professional is not available, Unity UI components can be used in the current panels.

Not a bug

Simulation is freezing every 10 seconds

Cris 8 months ago in General Questions updated 8 months ago 2


my simulation is freezing every 10 seconds, even with quality set to Very Low.

This happen in two different projects. What can I check to eliminate this problem?



Linear guides creates excessive friction

Cris 8 months ago in General Questions updated 8 months ago 2

Linear guides


I have some problem with conveyor linear guides (see attached file).

Linear guides seems to create some friction on the boxes. Is there a way to set linear guides as 'slippery'?


Meta Quest 3 realvirtual documentation

jf9 9 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 9 months ago 3

Hey everyone.

I'm trying to implement a Meta Quest 3 in Unity with realvirtual. Is there any documentation available? I think I saw some when I was on your documentation website but the page can not be found anymore. 

Support 9 months ago

The documentation for developers is here:

We will soon release (in about 4 Weeks) a special Unity Package (realvirtual.io Imverse) bringing some special things which makes it really easy to place realvirtual.io Models into an AR environment on the MetaQuest3.


Using c# script to control logic

haoyu yi (Hari) 9 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 9 months ago 2


I'm currently using c# scripts to control the logic of my scenes, but I'm having some problems.

My question is for the PLCOutputBool and PLCInputBool signal classes how the values change when the state changes.

For example, the PLCOutputBool class contains the Status property and the Value property, which in turn contains some value properties:

public StatusBool Status;

public struct StatusBool
public bool Connected;
public bool ValueOverride;
public bool Value;
[HideInInspector] public bool OldValue;

In your example script, I noticed that the value under PLCOutputBool is modified. However, during my debugging, I found that changing the Status.ValueOverride is required to alter the signal value of my PLCOutputBool.


How to prevent closing the build when pressing "Esc".

jf9 9 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 9 months ago 1

I'm wondering how to prevent closing my build when pressing "Esc". I think the function is somewhere inthe UI -> Toolbar Component of the realvirtual gameobject but I don't want to mess anything up by deleting files. Thanks in advance!

Support 9 months ago

This function is in the 'realvirtualcontroller.cs' and cannot be controlled through the Inspector. If not desired, it can be commented out in the code by searching for 'KeyCode.Escape'. However, we do not recommend doing this.

Regards Christin


Questions about using gripper

haoyu yi (Hari) 9 months ago in General Questions updated by Support 9 months ago 5


I am currently trying to mimic the example in DemoGripping Scene to use the gripper component, but when I set up the group component and added the kinematic component I found that the mesh is not aligning to my model, which is causing me to not be able to align the Sensor on the Finger to my MU

Image 1028

Support 9 months ago

We will check this - it is a bug but it is only the Gizmo (you could turn it off) and it does not impacts any kind the function.