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S7 TCP Interface DB access

Wombo 4 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 4 years ago 12

Is it possible to direct access variables which are stored in DBs with the Siemens TCP Interface? The problem there is, that in the TIA variable table only M,Q and I are allowed, but the actual style of programming a Siemens CPU is to store global data in DBs. Merker are not used anymore. I dont want to reorganize the variables of the project for the simulation.

Support 4 years ago

Hi, did you checked the Beta. Is everything working fine for you?


S7 interface problem

D St 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 3


I was following the youtube tutorial on how to connect Unity with S7 controller (in my case 1500).

After I successfully checked the connection and added PLCTags sdf file, made a fast test scene but when I Play it I have the following messages cycling:

Image 200

Image 201

Image 199

Any suggestions ?

Support 5 years ago

You are welcome, please give us a good rating in the Unity asset store if you are happy with our solution - thanks!


Student Access

kai grundmann 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 2

Dear Thomas

I am currently working as a student at the Corporate University of Baden-Württemberg on my bachelor thesis on machine simulation and automation.

G4A is helping me a lot with my thesis. I find it very intuitive and easy to use. Furthermore, your Youtube tutorials are very helpful in learning the basics of G4A.

I was wondering whether professional licenses will be available for students in the near future?

I am looking forward to your feedback.

With kind regards

Kai Grundmann

Support 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for the positive feedback. We are not planning to do that. The Starter version is meant for for free usage. In very rare cases we are developing things together with universities, companies or students in bachelor thesis and in this case we are suppling for free licenses based on special test contracts.

Best regards



Augmented Reality with Siemens

Ivan 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 2

Hi, I am interested in connecting a SIEMENS PLC to content in Augmented Reality with Unity in a Android mobile phone. How can I do it with Game4Automation?

Support 5 years ago


best would be to do it with Game4Automation Professional and the included OPCUA interface.

With the OPCUA interface, you can get the data from the PLC and with the standard Unity UI and AR functions, you could display it on your android phone. Like in this example:

Best regards



Writing to PLC inputs

leevi parssinen 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 2


If i have PLC connected and imported signals...how would i approach writing for example a velocity of a rigid body into the value of a PLC signal under TwinCATInterface?

Support 5 years ago

Hi Leve,

I assume that you are having PLCInputs and PLCOutputs in your project after importing from TwinCAT:

Now you can write to the PLCInput with 

PLCInput.Value = YourValue;

You should write your own behavior scripts and attach this to the Gameobject with the rigid-body where you want to measure the velocity.

Here is a simple example of a behavior script (it is the Sensor_standard script from the Game4Auomation Framework).

This script is sending a "High" to the PLC when the sensor is occupied.

namespace game4automation
//! The Sensor_Standard component is providing the Sensor behavior and connection to the PLC inputs and outputs.
public class Sensor_Standard : BehaviorInterface

  [Header("Settings")] public bool NormallyClosed = false; //!< Defines if sensor signal is *true* if occupied (*NormallyClosed=false*) of if signal is *false* if occupied (*NormallyClosed=true*)
  [Header("Interface Connection")] public PLCInputBool Occupied; //! Boolean PLC input for the Sensor signal.

private Sensor Sensor;
private bool _isOccupiedNotNull;

// Use this for initialization
void Start()
_isOccupiedNotNull = Occupied != null;
Sensor = GetComponent<Sensor>();

// Update is called once per frame
  void Update()
bool occupied = false;

// Set Behavior Outputs
if (NormallyClosed)
occupied = !Sensor.Occupied;
occupied = Sensor.Occupied;

// Set external PLC Outputs
if (_isOccupiedNotNull)
Occupied.Value = occupied;



Problems importing into a project

leevi parssinen 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 2


So my problem is that when i try to import the asset package into my existing project, it will import it but the Game4Automation tab will only have the Part4Cad in it. Also tried to make a new project by adding the asset first and then exporting and importing my old project, but this had the problem that colliders won't work anymore.

And one more question! (sorry I'm new to unity)

I can get the signals from my TwinCat via ADS, but how do you link the imported signals for example to a game objects Y-axis value?

Hopefully you could help me!

Support 5 years ago

For anyone experiencing similar issues.

Problem was that the compile settings were not set correctly:


, that collision layers were not set correctly:


and that Prostprocessing was not included in the Assembly Definitions:




Whats error : null texture passed to gui.drawtexture. It happens in game4automation.QuickToogle

Juliano Cortes 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 3

How fix this:

null texture passed to GUI.DrawTexture
UnityEngine.GUI:DrawTexture(Rect, Texture, ScaleMode)
game4automation.QuickToggle.Editor.QuickToggle:DrawHierarchyItem(Int32, Rect) (at Assets/game4automation/private/Editor/QuickToggle/Editor/QuickToggle.cs:390)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

Support 5 years ago


we don't know this error. Could you upload your project? I will send you via email a link for uploading.


Unity project version compability issue

leevi parssinen 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 1

Hi! I have an issue with my project working with game4automation professional that we just purchased. So we have a Game/project working on unitys 2019 version and i tried to import the g4a asset in it ,but the toolbar only has the Parts4Cad option. on 2018 empty project it works perfectly, but i am not so experienced with unity and was wondering if the asset works at all with 2019 versions (most important ones TwinCat ADS or the OPCUA) OR if there is a way to downgrade projects unity version

Support 5 years ago


usually it should also work with 2019. But we recommend to use LTS (Long Term Stable) releases because Unity is sometimes changing to fast for industrial use cases. We develop and test in 2018.4. On our build server we also try to compile and build with 2019, but it is more risky that we miss something in 2019. So I would recommend to only use 2019 if you really need it.

I just checked latest release and 2019 and it works on my computer without problems. The main menu is available and the demo model is working as expected.

You should also check that you are using .Net4. compatibility level - even if this should be not an issue with the main menu. But some interfaces might not compile without .Net40

There seems to be an issue / collision with anything what is already in your 2019 project. I don't know what. Could you please check the Console log for some more information.


Licence question

Leevi Pärssinen 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 years ago 2

If i would buy the Professional version for schools account, would it be tied to that account and could be used on other projects after i'm done with mine? 

Support 5 years ago


the license is tied to the organization who purchased the Asset. There seems to be no official way to transfer a license to another organization (e.g. from school to you personal) if you purchased on the Unity Asset Store.

You could purchase the license directly from us. For doing so please just fill out this form (Button "Request a quote" and you will get an offer: https://game4automation.com/en/buy

We could allow you the transfer if needed later on based on a simple mail you are sending to us.

Best regards



Problem with rotational drive in combination with prismatic drive

PeterFischer 5 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 5 years ago 4


I noticed a problem with the motion axis feature in G4A. I created some sort of articulated arm which rotates around the vertical y-axis using a Drive script and a Drive_FollowPosition script. This works fine, however problems occur when I add a linear (prismatic) drive in a child object of it. I added a video to make it more clear: As you can see there is Link1 which rotates and Link2 (green) which contains a drive script with the direction "Linear Z". Since Link2 doesn't have any Drive Behaviour script yet, it shouldn't move at all, but as you can see, it starts drifting away. This problem doesn't occur when only rotational joints are used in the kinematic chain. Is it possible to fix somehow?


Support 5 years ago


you need to change this line (left = old, right = new) in the Drive script:

It will be changed in Release 1.024 (Build 246 and upwards).

For customers who wish a Beta download - please send us your Invoice Number and we can send you a download link!