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Can realVirtual built for web

zilong 4 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 4 months ago 5

When I choose the WebGl plat for build my unity projects which use realVirtual-io tool, the system has the follow error:

"Assets\realvirtual\private\Interfaces\SharedMemory\Editor\SharedMemoryInterfaceEditor.cs(9,26): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SharedMemoryInterface' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"。

Support 4 months ago


it seems that you are using an old version. This issue has been solved. Some interfaces need to be deactivated before compiling because they are using functions which are not available in WebGL.

You should upgrade to the latest version or delete the interfaces (the full folder of it) which are not supported in WebGL. You can check the table on this page here: https://doc.realvirtual.io/advanced-topics/supported-platforms


OPCUA not listing all nodes

Maira Matos 4 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 3 months ago 2

I'm encountering difficulties accessing nodes within the OPCUA Server. While I can establish a connection with the server, the nodes aren't being properly imported into Unity.
Examining the image below, it's evident that input nodes contain nested nodes. However, as depicted in the screenshots, Unity fails to list all the available nodes.

Image 1 - OPCUA Explorer


Image 2 - OPCUA Interface Unity

Image 1098


HMI UI not showing in Play mode

Maira Matos 4 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 4 months ago 3

I created an HMI object with 2 HMI tabs. The first tab stores a drop-down menu, and the second tab stores 3 HMI Panel World Space with HMI buttons. When I use Unity in Scene and Game mode , I can visualize the changes. However, after starting the simulation ( Play mode ), all the objects inside HMI wont appear on the game. All elements are on the UI layer.

Scene Mode

Image 1094

Game Mode

Image 1096

Play Mode

Image 1097

Support 4 months ago


after reviewing your images again, it appears that you're not using tab buttons to switch between the tabs. In this case, please enable "Tab Activated" within the "HMI_Tab" component to activate the tab when "Play" is started. Let me know if this solves the problem.

Regards Christin


Do you have any suggestions about how webgl(unity3D) communicates with twincat by realvirtual.io

Dragon Yun 5 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 4 months ago 8

as i descripte,i want to complete a machine digital twin which is similar with the example demo from your website shows.

Image 1092

Image 1091

Support 4 months ago

I don't think, that we are publishing a special video for TwinCAT HMI. Besides symbol annotation and that you need special licenses (TF2000) - see section prerequisites - there is nothing special about this interface. What is your problem, do you have any error messages, things we should explain in our documentation? 


Logic Steps - Scripts

Luis 5 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 5 months ago 1

Hello! I'm following the RealVirtual tutorials playlist and I'm on part 7, where Logic Steps scripts are added, but I can't find them in my version of the Asset. 

When I search, I only find the Control Logic Script.

I'm using the demo version, are these scripts only available in the Professional version?

Support 5 months ago

Yes, LogicSteps is only available in Professional.


Transport surface make the conveyor texture mismatch

ULE 6 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 6 months ago 3

I don't know how to use transport surface, I notice in the demo scene the conveyor belt works perfectly, but in my scene everytime I tried turn the whole conveyor 90 degree but the texture dose not follow and still goes as before. How do I fix this?Video

Support 6 months ago

It is an old version of realvirtual (still game4automation) we fixed a lot. You should upgrade to the latest release.


I Can't Find HMI Components and Demo

Reverse Kim 7 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 7 months ago 1

Hi, I bought 'realvirtual.io Digital Twin Professional 2021'.

whein I saw HMI components - realvirtual.io 

There are HMI Components  but, When I Downloaded on Asset Store There is no HMI Demo and Module.

how Can I Get this module?

Not a bug

Gripper script stops working

Marco van der Stelt 7 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 7 months ago 2

When running the scene for extended periods of time we get the problem that the gripper script stops working. The sensor stop detecting MUs and it does not give any errors. Is there a problem in the background which comes up after running a scene for a long time?

Not a bug

IK Path could not complete the execution

haoyu yi (Hari) 7 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 7 months ago 3


Now I have created two paths A and B using IK Path, when I repeat the signal quantity given to start for each path individually the paths can be executed correctly, but once I execute A and B alternately the paths are unreachable.

For example, I am using Signal Start to get path A to start moving, and Signal Ended to get if path A has finished executing. When Signal Ended is true for A, I start executing path B. It happens that path B can't finish execution and Signal Ended stays false.

This results in me not being able to control the robotic arm by itself to do the job I want to do, how can I solve this problem?


OPC UA reconnects only once, Realvirtual professional

dgcrt 8 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 7 months ago 4

Good morning,

We are having problems with the OPC UA connection.

When the OPC server is turned off and on again the connection is reestablished correctly, but only once since startup, if the server disconnects a second time the connection is never reestablished.

How can we solve the problem?

Thank you.