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Ethernet IP not connecting, Allen Bradley PLC

Kjell Arne Vebenstad vor 2 Wochen in General Questions aktualisiert vor 4 Tagen 4

I just bought this software to use the Ethernet IP interface to a Allen Bradley, I am up and running in Visual studio using the same Ethernet and can get tags there, but I need it in Unity, please help.

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Enquiry About the twin pack bottlecapper

Mohit vor 2 Wochen in OPCUA4Unity aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Tagen 1


I'm interested in purchasing the OPCUA4UNITY package, but I don't have access to any Siemens TIA Portal-connected devices. Could you please inform me how I can utilize this package without a physical PLC? Additionally, does this package include the TwinBottleCapper, or would that need to be acquired separately?

Thank you!

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Bag is not moving with RGV

Kantale vor 3 Wochen aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Tagen 1

A693 - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity 2022.3.3....mp4

I want to move the bag which is shown in project with RGV. But unable to do it. When i am giving forward command to RGV, RGV is moving forward but the bag is not moving with RGV. Last time you had shared a link for reference (https://doc.realvirtual.io/components-and-scripts/motion/transportsurface#transport-surfaces-and-unity-physics).

But i couldn't get it. Please suggest the solution step by step.

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Unable to enter in playmode. How to remove this compile errors?? Please look into my problem.

Kantale vor 3 Wochen aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Tagen 1

Image 1288


Read the position of the free state drive or joint

Ahmo vor 1 Monat in General Questions aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Wochen 5

Hello. I need a quick response if possible.

I am using the RealVirtual Professional version.

How can I achieve the desired goal in the image? Should I use a Joint or Drive?

For Drive, you have Drive_MeasureSpeedPosition, and that’s great.

Is it possible to disable the Drive so it can rotate freely?

Image 1277


Connection with the PLC is okay, but the values never update

Ahmo vor 1 Monat in General Questions aktualisiert von Support vor 1 Monat 1

Hello everyone, I’m new to this forum. In case anyone has a similar problem where the values never update, but the connection to the S7 PLC is successful. Here is how to solve this problem. I hope it will be helpful to someone.

Image 1274


Working with Offsets

corusm vor 1 Monat in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Wochen 4

Hello Realvirtual.io Team,

in the robot configuration I deviate by -90 deg. on the Axis 2 and +90 deg. on Axis 3. Intuitively I tried to configure this with an offset, but as soon I try to calculate the inverse kinematics again and do path planning, things don't work as expected.

Range Axis2: -120; -5

When I add the offset of axis 2 by hand (lower limit: -30; upper limit: 85) then things work as expected, but since the robot will be connected via OPCUA Plugin, I don't know how to add the offset otherwise.

Robot: Kuka KR2700 prime

Image 1267

Thank you for your help!

Support vor 2 Wochen

Hi, the "home" position (=position in Editor Mode) for our IK must be always this

Otherwise the IK will not work.

Ideally this would be also the OPCUA Positions where each drive has Position 0. If not you can work with Offsets in the Drives. But youh should only use Offsets for OPCUA and not for our included inverse kinematics.

Maybe it is best to define two robots. One using our IK with the correct settings and one getting the Axis values over OPCUA.

If you thing that our IK is doing something wrong (your last picture) - please send us your project where we can check this to: https://realvirtual.io/send 

Please only include what we really need and set the scene to a situation where we can see directly your problem.

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Fehler bei Kuka .step datei import

corusm vor 1 Monat in CADLink aktualisiert von Support vor 1 Monat 1

Image 1266

Ich erhalte folgenden Fehler beim importieren von einer Kuka Step Datei in Realvirtual.io.

Unity Version: 2022.3.25f

UnityException: Transform child out of bounds
realvirtual.CADLink.CompleteCADData (UnityEngine.GameObject resultgo) (at Assets/realvirtual/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:388)
realvirtual.CADLink.ImportCad () (at Assets/realvirtual/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:238)
System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at :0)
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at :0)
System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at :0)
NaughtyAttributes.Editor.NaughtyEditorGUI.Button (UnityEngine.Object target, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo) (at Assets/realvirtual/private/Tools/NaughtyAttributes/Editor/Utility/NaughtyEditorGUI.cs:167)
NaughtyAttributes.Editor.NaughtyInspector.DrawButtons (System.Boolean drawHeader) (at Assets/realvirtual/private/Tools/NaughtyAttributes/Editor/NaughtyInspector.cs:188)
NaughtyAttributes.Editor.NaughtyInspector.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/realvirtual/private/Tools/NaughtyAttributes/Editor/NaughtyInspector.cs:52)
UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement+<>c__DisplayClass72_0.b__0 () (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/UIElements/Inspector/InspectorElement.cs:713)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:203)

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Robot IK Path (Target 0) Program - Not reachable

Seokhyun Lee vor 1 Monat in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert vor 1 Monat 2

Hello. Realvirtual team.

I created a Robot IK Path (Target 0) while learning Robot IK following the realvirtual professional tutorial, 

but I have a question because IK cannot reach the Target 0.

I used the "ABB IRB4400" Robot model and performed the following tasks.

1) Robot 6-axis configuration and Drive settings

2) Robot TCP configuration

3) Add Robot IK component and then 6-axis and TCP settings

4) Path creation and then IK Path component

→ When I tried Add new Target, it said it cannot be reached. (It is clearly an area that can be reached.)
→ I also tried moving the Target here and there, but the robot does not follow at all.

Can you guide me on where I made a mistake and caused this situation?


Best regards,

Seokhyun Lee

※ Problem Situation (Capture)

Image 1257

※ Robot Setting (Capture)

Image 1258

Image 1259

Image 1260

Image 1261

Image 1262

Image 1263

Image 1264

Image 1265

Not a bug

Sensor.cs - Problem in OnTriggerExit

Andreas vor 1 Monat in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 1 Monat 1

Hello realvirtual team,

on working with the sensor component I encountered an issue in the OnTriggerExit event.

I use the sensor event "EventExit" to trigger logic in my own scripts.

In my application I have a sensor on a MU and this MU stands on a conveyor.

When the MU leaves the conveyor I want to invoke an event in a seperate script.

Image 1255

The problem is that the conveyor is not a MU and therefore "muobj" is null. This is correct.

But because of that the statement "if (thismuobj == muobj)" gets true (both is "null") and the EventExit is not getting invoked. 

I am not exactly sure why the foreach statement is necessary.

I changed the codeline 398 to this: (so the EventExit is getting invoked)

Image 1256

Please check if this change is a problem in other cases. Maybe you can implement it in the next update.

Thank you very much.

Best regards, 


Support vor 1 Monat


the "OnExit" event of the sensor is triggered when a MU exits the sensor. If I understand correctly, you’ve attached the sensor as a component of the MU. In that case, it won’t work as intended.

We won’t be changing this in the release because the for-each loops account for the fact that a single MU can consist of multiple colliders, which the sensor may detect.

I recommend the following approach: place the sensor as a standalone GameObject at the end of your conveyor and use it to trigger your script.

Alternatively, you could use Unity's standard OnCollisionExit method on your own component attached to your MU.

Best regards
