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HMI_Slider: "SignalIntStart" is not used

Andreas vor 2 Monaten in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert vor 2 Monaten 4


I want to use the HMI_Slider multiplexed. Basicially one slider for several signal sources.

Now I realized that the property "SignalIntStart" is unused. 

I wanted to use this Signal to manipulate the slider value when multiplexed signal has changed.

Or do I misunderstand something?

Support vor 2 Monaten


currently it isn't possible to enter values by keyboard using HMI-components. Those components only using signals from the PLC to set or get values. For having an element to enter values you have to set up your own UI using unity standard UI elements like canvas etc.. An example in realvirtual you'll find in realvirtual/UI. This is where our UI is implemented.

Thanks for the hint concerning "SignalIntStart", I'll fix this with the next release.

Best regards



Best practice for hiding gameobjects in scene and game mode

MarkH vor 2 Monaten in General Questions aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Monaten 1

I converted a large CAD assembly of a machine to gameobjects. Many of these gameobjects, like the machine's enclosure, block the visibility of other gameobjects inside the machine.

I want to be able to change the visibility of these gameobjects and I want to learn what would be the best practice.

At the moment I created layers to group the gameobjects that I want to show/hide by showing/hiding the layer. This works for scene mode and also for game mode when I set the required culling mask on the camera. Would this be the best practice or would there a better way to do this?

The problem starts when I enable object selection in the realvirtual controller. All gameobjects will be visible in game mode when this option is enabled, without taking the culling mask into account. What should I do to only show the gameobject that I want in game mode?

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Connected button isn't getting green (PlcSimAdvanced)

Andreas vor 2 Monaten in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert vor 2 Monaten 2


The connection button isn't getting green while connection to PlcSimAdvanced is working.

After research I couldn't find the image of the green button neither the code why it should get green.

Can you please give me an advice for fixing this?


How to cancel IKPath to start another IKPath

Andreas vor 3 Monaten in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional aktualisiert von Support vor 2 Monaten 3


how can I properly cancel the currently running IKPath to start another Path. For example to force home positioning.

I want to cancel and start the paths by another script.

Best regards,



Compile errors on MQTT interface

MarkH vor 3 Monaten in General Questions aktualisiert vor 2 Monaten 7

I wanted to do a fresh install of all the components:

- Unity Hub 3.9.1

- Unity 2022.3.49f1

- Realvirtual-Professional-2022.18

Up to this point everything is working fine.

I copy these folders into the assets directory

Image 1218

After adding REALVIRTUAL_BESTHTTP3 to the scripting define symbols I get compile errors:

Image 1220

After adding REALVIRTUAL_BESTMQTT3 to the scripting define symbols I get additional compile errors:

Image 1221

What did I do wrong and how can I fix it?

Wird überprüft

What are the steps or properties required to move the object ( which i have shown in red circle ) in circular rotation along with conveyor.

Kantale vor 3 Monaten in realvirtual.io Community aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Monaten 3

Image 1217


What are the steps to perform the operation of an delta robot which is shown in below picture.

Kantale vor 3 Monaten aktualisiert von Support vor 3 Monaten 6

Image 1216