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Not a bug

Import von .STEP mit UTF-16 codierung fehler

daniel mittermeier 4 years ago in CADLink updated by Support 4 years ago 3

Ich bekomme einen Fehler wenn ich versuche eine .STEP Datei mit UTF-16 Encoding zu öffnen. Ist das ein Fehler im Coding oder wird UTF-16 nicht supported?

Leider kann ich die STEP Datei nicht mitschicken, da diese rechtlich geschützt ist.

Hier die Fehlermeldung:
Error: UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversion failed because the input string is invalid
UnityEngine.Object:set_name (string)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ProductStructureConverter:SetName (UnityEngine.GameObject,cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ProductStructureConverter:Visit (UnityEngine.GameObject,cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement,bool)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ProductStructureConverter:Apply (cadex.ModelData_Part)
cadex.ModelData_Part:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Instance:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Assembly:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Instance:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Assembly:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_SceneGraphElement:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.ModelData_Model:Accept (cadex.ModelData_Model/ElementVisitor)
cadex.UnityModelWG_ModelConverter:Convert (cadex.ModelData_Model)
cadex.Unity_ObjectFactoryImpl:Perform (cadex.ModelData_Model,string)
cadex.Unity_ObjectFactory:Create (cadex.ModelData_Model,string)
cadimport:ImportCadData (string,bool,string,single,single,single)
game4automation.CADLink:ImportCadData () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:354)
game4automation.CADLink:ImportCad () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:182)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke (object,object[])
game4automationtools.Editor.NaughtyEditorGUI:Button (UnityEngine.Object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo) (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/NaughtyAttributes/Scripts/Editor/Utility/NaughtyEditorGUI.cs:179)
game4automationtools.Editor.NaughtyInspector:DrawButtons (bool) (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/NaughtyAttributes/Scripts/Editor/NaughtyInspector.cs:188)
game4automationtools.Editor.NaughtyInspector:OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/NaughtyAttributes/Scripts/Editor/NaughtyInspector.cs:52)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) 



reem elshenawy 4 years ago updated by Support 4 years ago 1

OPCUA - The secure channel has been closed: Remote side closed connection


Unable to Create New Material Mapping

pfry 4 years ago in CADLink updated 4 years ago 1

So I can import a 3MF file created with SolidWorks; however, the result import in Unity appears as a bright violet version of the object. I also just tried manually importing the toy car sample 3MF and the colors were transferred properly. This leads me to believe I need to define a material mapping which I am unable to do within the CADLNK Unity asset features.

I am trying to follow the instructions here https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/cadlink.html#3MF-Import-Settings and see if designing my own material mapping will resolve the issue. However, when I click on the "Create New Material Mapping" button I get the following error

IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
game4automation.CADLink.CreateAsset[T] () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:750)
game4automation.CADLink.CreateMeaterialMapping () (at Assets/game4automation/CADLink/private/CADLink.cs:86)

The line of problem is 

var find = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("StandardMaterialMapping t:ScriptableObject");

string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(find[0]);

I'm guessing the issue is that when I import the CADLINK asset the "StandardMaterialMapping" is not included. I am struggling to find any further documents outlining the details of what a material map looks like. Is there no default option which just takes the color defined in the 3MF file and uses that to create the unity material? I thought that would be the default and was the main appeal of asset. 

Please let me know if there is something I am doing incorrectly, because I'm looking through all the available documentation and other forum responses to try and figure out what is going on.

Not a bug

Main Menu Bar Item not added

pfry 4 years ago in CADLink updated by Support 4 years ago 5

Unity Editor Version 2019.4.21f1 LTS

Asset CADLINK https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/game4automation-cadlink-150559?aid=1101l3b93&utm_source=aff

Looking at the documentation here https://game4automation.com/documentation/current/index.html

either the documentation is outdated, or I am having an issue getting the main menu bar item for the game4automation to appear on my editor.

There are conflicting screenshots showing that upon importing the asset it will create a "Tools > game4automation" in the main menu bar, and others showing that the "game4autmation" item will appear in the top level main menu bar. Neither of these are created when I import from the asset store.

I saw previous forum posts stating to use LTS versions of Unity. Should I be on the 2020 LTS version now?


URP and post processing

Benedikt Scholz 4 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 4 years ago 3

I have problems using the URP with the post-processing function. I downloaded the Post-processing Stack and Activated the HQ settings in the game4automation GameObject. However the sliders for settings are not working. I tried to manually put a post-processing volume into the camera, but this failed also. 

There is an error on the console: Array out of bounds in game4automationController.ChangedVisual()

Can you help?


Multiple node to subscribe OPC UA

exiatec sb 4 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 4 years ago 3

How to subscribe multiple nodes and with events? Fyi i need to subscribe more than 200 nodes to monitor (is this possible using the client?). Based on the documentation it only explain subscribe for one node and event.

Support 4 years ago

The OPCUANodeSubscription object includes everything you need, e.g. the NodeID of the node which changed.


json and value

Fahrul Rozi 4 years ago updated by Support 4 years ago 7


i want to start simulation on CMM robot , i use json data

the data like this

{"mc_access": false, "chuck5": false, "unlock_chuck": false}

how to connect value(true/false) with this robot?

can you explaine with game4automation ?

Image 349

Support 4 years ago

Our product should be enough proof.

With some basic Unity and C# knowledge it should be possible to do what you need. Do you know C# and Unity?

Are you a private person or a company? If you are a private person support needs to be paid in advance per credit card.

Please send me your full contact data for a full offer.


S7 interface DB write bug

Дмитрий Мурашов 4 years ago in General Questions updated by ctbenergy 4 years ago 1

I write in S7 interface in DB1.DBX1.0  but on PLC it is writing in DB1.DBX1.1

Image 347

Image 348


MQTT + game4automation

Fahrul Rozi 4 years ago updated by Support 4 years ago 2

hi i have a problem with mqtt+game4automation

i buy your asset plugin

i received data from MQTT Broker,and that is json format(like screenshot)
i want to add this coordinat to 3D object(fanuc robot yellow)

can you help me?

so my goal is real robot simulation with robot on unity via MQTT

please reply soon

Image 346

Image 345

Support 4 years ago

Hi, this is possible. Some programming / scripting is necessary from your side. What kind of MQTT Asst are you using inside Unity?

MQTT interface is planned later on this year. Please understand that we can't provide for free individual support. 

You could purchase a support budget and we could do what you need within this budget.


Reading many inputs

Willem Van Der Gaag 4 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 4 years ago 2

Hi! Is it possible to acces all the inputs at the same time. I would like to write all the values of these to a file for future reference. Thanks in advance!

Support 4 years ago

You could loop through all Signal objects in a script each FixedUpdate and read Signal.Value for saving it to whatever format you would like.