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Error importing the Package

rexgatling1988 1 year ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by R S 12 months ago 5

I get this error when I import the package to Unity:

Assets/game4automation/private/RuntimeUI/SceneMouseNavigation.cs(801,38): error CS0103: The name 'SpaceNavigator' does not exist in the current context

Support 12 months ago

Is fixed in latest release.


No Mutex PLCSim Advanced Interface proble

Pablo 2 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 years ago 18


we are using the PLCSim Advanced Interface.

We can Import the PLCSignals without any Troubles:

Image 519

The first time that we start the simulation in Unity everything is working fine (COM OK).

But after we stop the unity editor and try to start again, we get “No Mutex”... so no communication is established between the plc and Unity.

We found out that creating a new PLC Instance and re-importing the signals “fix the error”... but just for the first run. Then we have to repeat the process of creating a new PLC again and again...

Could be some background process blocking the communication? Thank you in advance.

Support 2 years ago

Current working coupler.exe is available in the download area:


Not a bug

plugin disappeared.

Oliver33 6 days ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 2 days ago 3

I purchased and installed the realvirtual.io plugin in Unity. Initially, everything worked fine, but after a few days, when I restarted Unity, all content related to realvirtual.io reported errors, and the toolbar options related to the plugin disappeared.

Image 1152

Under review

S7PLCSIM Advance connection problem

Kantale 1 week ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 3 days ago 5

Hello Sir,

  Currently I have added the PLC Advance interface to my project. Also successfully to run the PLCSim advancedCoupler.exe. But after that, it shows that PLCSIMAdvance runtime not available. Can you please help on this

Image 1149


realvirtual.io Digital Twin Assistant update

Hi, thomos, please update assistant when i try to fix some problems its not using recent knowdge.



combining MUs

carHock 4 weeks ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 weeks ago 5


is there a way to combine two or more MUs ?

for example: MU1 (main part) is on a transport surface. At some point it stops and MU2 (smaller part) should be fixed onto MU1. They continue moving on transport surface together without falling apart. I tried to do this by attaching the fixer script to MU1 and unset the gravity of MU2. But with the fixer script MU1 is not moving anymore.

best regards



Bug in Sensor (Script) when disabling display status

Andreas 4 weeks ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 4 weeks ago 1

Hi Thomas,

there seems to be a bug in Sensor (Script).

If I disable "Display Status" I see a purple graphical error only in game mode.

I tested this in "DemoGripping" version 2022.13.

Image 1145


S7 Connection with TIA V19

Rish 1 month ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 weeks ago 3

Hi team please update S7 Connection Tutorial in youtube with new TIA19 and if possible update on PLCSIMAdvance v6 too


Unity Physics and Kinematics

Michael 1 month ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 1 month ago 1

I've been using realvirtual.io for a week. But I'm struggling with kinematics links modeling.

As I see in your documentation, you are using either parenting or dynamics on game objects.

The thing is, for certain kinematics chains, neither technique worked...

There is futher example of mechanism i need to model :

There is a way to model complex kinematics chains (Without using mass and force)?

Support 1 month ago

Hi Michael,

There are several approaches you can take to achieve this:

  1. Position Control via End Element: You can manage the positioning by moving only the endpoint. Although this endpoint is not a real drive, you can connect it to the actual drive using Unity Physics joints. This setup ensures precise endpoint control. While the joints in between might exhibit some shaking, this should not affect the overall functionality.
  2. Integrated Drives with Gears or CAMS: Another method involves equipping all joints with drives and synchronizing them through the use of gears or CAMs. This setup mimics the movement based on a "Master" Drive, which aligns with the position of the actual drive. For more details, you might find these resources helpful:

  3. Using Unity Physics for Kinematics: Employ Unity Physics and Unity Joints (details at Unity Joints Documentation) to handle forward kinematics. In cases requiring purely linear movements, consider using Articulation Bodies (Articulation Body Documentation). Be aware that Unity Physics can be somewhat unstable or jittery, which can be mitigated by reducing the Physics fixed timestep at the cost of performance.

For complex scenarios not involving parallel kinematics, which are typically challenging and unstable with Unity Physics, you might explore using AGX from Algoryx (see https://doc.realvirtual.io/extensions/agx-physics9. This is a more robust solution for accurately simulating complex physics interactions, although it is not free and the definition of kinematics is on my point of view more complicated).

In general, whenever feasible, we prefer to resolve these issues using non-physical forward kinematics, whether it’s a straightforward kinematic chain of a robot or something that can be easily managed with defined cams or gears.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further assistance.




Adding kinematics on pendulum like Object

G. Hildebrandt 1 month ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 weeks ago 5



Yesterday, I tried to dive deeper into the kinematics of more "complex" objects in Unity. However, I reached my limits when working on the kinematics of the model in the attached image, and I wanted to ask for your assessment of the complexity involved.

From my experience, chaining linear and independent movements doesn't seem to be a problem. However, combining rotational and linear movements appears to be more complex.

The model is actually a relatively simple construction. On a base-plate, there is a rotatable and driven turret. At the top of this turret, there is a shaft driven by a motor, which, through a connecting rod-like mechanism, is supposed to exert a linear movement on the "sleeve" around the turret. I have illustrated this with two images.

I have tried various combinations of kinematic chains and also tested the use of Unity's internal joints like the "Hinge Joint." I always got to the point where I still needed to add the linear movement of the sleeve. However, I couldn't implement this final step under the conditions of the existing movements.

In general, I have the following questions:

  • Is it possible to use the joints provided by Unity in combination with the drives from Realvirtual?
  • Are there any similar "joints" from Realvirtual that constrain kinematic movement (i.e., without additional drive)?
  • I had the feeling that a functioning kinematics heavily depends on the hierarchical arrangement of the game objects. It seems that the linear constraint of the sleeve to the turret doesn't work due to the hierarchy. Do you have any tips or rules that need to be followed, and is such a kinematic chain as desired in the model even possible?

I have also attached the STEP file of this model and would appreciate any feedback.

Support 2 weeks ago

We recognize that despite the significant changes made in the last release to ensure the drive fixed update sequence for cams and gears, there is still a bug affecting functionality.

After investigation, we have identified the solution. To resolve this issue, please modify the Drive script by adding !issubdrive around line 880. This fix will also be included in our upcoming release.

Image 1148