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Error importing the Package

rexgatling1988 1 year ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by R S 1 year ago 5

I get this error when I import the package to Unity:

Assets/game4automation/private/RuntimeUI/SceneMouseNavigation.cs(801,38): error CS0103: The name 'SpaceNavigator' does not exist in the current context

Support 1 year ago

Is fixed in latest release.


No Mutex PLCSim Advanced Interface proble

Pablo 3 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 years ago 18


we are using the PLCSim Advanced Interface.

We can Import the PLCSignals without any Troubles:

Image 519

The first time that we start the simulation in Unity everything is working fine (COM OK).

But after we stop the unity editor and try to start again, we get “No Mutex”... so no communication is established between the plc and Unity.

We found out that creating a new PLC Instance and re-importing the signals “fix the error”... but just for the first run. Then we have to repeat the process of creating a new PLC again and again...

Could be some background process blocking the communication? Thank you in advance.

Support 2 years ago

Current working coupler.exe is available in the download area:


Under review

Connected button isn't getting green (PlcSimAdvanced)

Andreas 1 week ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 1 week ago 2


The connection button isn't getting green while connection to PlcSimAdvanced is working.

After research I couldn't find the image of the green button neither the code why it should get green.

Can you please give me an advice for fixing this?

Under review

How to cancel IKPath to start another IKPath

Andreas 2 weeks ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 1 week ago 2


how can I properly cancel the currently running IKPath to start another Path. For example to force home positioning.

I want to cancel and start the paths by another script.

Best regards,



Robot IK: Holding the rotation of TCP between targets

Andreas 3 weeks ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 3 weeks ago 2


how can the robot hold the rotation of TCP between targets?

Image 1207


Inverse Kinematics broken behaviour

Alexander Andreasson 3 weeks ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 weeks ago 3

Following the entirety of the the RVIO IK tutorial, the robot is showing incredibly broken behavior. The target is red and if you move it around until the IK responds. It behaves in a really unpredictable manner that makes it very hard to find out the source of the problem.

The 6 axis robot i am trying to use.

Image 1203

The hirerarchy

Image 1206

The strange behavior

2024-09-25 13-37-47.mkv

I have tried "remapping" the entire robot from scratch, using a different model that I fine tuned in blender. And also tried messing around with the import coordinates and rotation. Any help is highly appreciated.


Why PlcSimAdvanced doesn't connect to plc markers

Andreas 3 weeks ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 3 weeks ago 1


I realized that PlcSimAdvanced isn't importing plc marker signals. Only Inputs or Outputs.

Is there really no way to use markers or data block signals?

Best regards



Problem with GuidedMu when MU has a fixed MU on it

Andreas 2 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 3 weeks ago 3


I use a guided transport system with a GuidedMU on it. 

This MU (WT-2) is getting loaded with another MU (Can) which gets fixed on it by a fixer.

After the WT-2 is lowered again it should actually get moved by TransportGuided system. But it is just shaking a bit, moving barely. After I delete the Can which is fixed on it, the WT-2 starts moving immediately. 

The WT-2 has a GuidedMU (Script) on it and the property "IsFixed" is true when the WT is lifted and false again after it's lowered and should move.

Image 1181

Sometimes it's working though the WT-2 gets moved normal with the Can fixed on it but somestimes not.

I'm not sure where the issue is and try to understand why it is not working properly.

Thank you in advance.



Difference between grip (script) and fixer

Andreas 2 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 2 months ago 10


first I would like to tell that I really like realvirtual.io and and simulation possibility and openness it provides. But at the same time it's often so frustrating because it's kinda challenging.

Now I got the following problem.

I want to use the new fixer pick and place function in IKTarget.

Image 1168

I have two robots and a round table with 4 grip scripts.

Overall view:

Image 1171

Robot A takes the MU with fixer pick and places it on the RT. The RT picks it up with a grip script and it's fixed by the gripper. 

Image 1169

But robot B can't pick up the MU from the round table. It seems to fail because of this code line in fixer script:

Image 1172

If I delete this line than the pick up by robot A isn't working because for some reason the fixer script of robot A does list the MU two times in MUS Entered. (I guess it's the reason)

2 Questions:

1. Where is the difference between grip and fixer?

2. How can I make the pick up work by robot b fixer pick?

Best regards


Support 2 months ago

In the scenario you described, it seems that the MUs are being simultaneously gripped by two different components. This isn't supported or intended behavior. Typically, when something is gripped or fixed, it becomes a child of the gripper or fixer, following its position. If Gripper A moves while Gripper B is still gripping, there’s a conflict—who will control the movement?

This is likely why your case 3 isn't working. Such a setup could lead to unexpected behavior, potentially causing collisions or damaging other elements that rely on the Grip/Fixer system. I recommend developing a custom gripper tailored to your specific needs to avoid these issues. But we are taking this into account if we think  about reengineering Grip or Fixer in the future.

I will also extend our documentation to make sure that it is clear that gripping one part by two Fixer or Grip is not supportet.


How to set correct position for roatation kinematic on axis

eb-amp 2 months ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 months ago 1

While trying to setup the demo robot I have found that you must manually place the drive in the dead centre of the axis for the point of rotation although it seems extremely hard and inefficient to have to manually set this and try get right?

Image 1167

Is there any methods or tools to use to get the point of rotation in the dead centre, I will put some photos to try visualise

Image 1166

what I mean

Image 1165