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Asyncua Unsupported Communciation

konrad ebel 28 1 year ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 1 year ago 3

I get an error when trying to connect to an asyncua server. The client OPCUA4Unity is loading infinite and the Error Requested Value False was not found shows up:

asyncua.ua.uaerrors._base.UaError: Unsupported message type b'\x16\x03\x01'

Not a bug

License: The evaluation period is expired

ThomasDM 1 year ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 1 year ago 5

When using your plugin I first ran into the problem that I had too many subscriptions for 1 PLC so I changed the OPCUAConnection class to the native OpcClient connection so I could use the Opc.UaFx.Client approach of adding multiple nodes to 1 subscription instead of making 1 subscription for every node.
After I did this I started getting the following error:

LicenseException: The evaluation period is expired, you need to purchase a license to take further use of the OPC UA Framework Advanced. Please contact your support!

What should I do in order to fix this error, cause the connection stops working after a while.


Targets not working after update to latest version

Bear 1 year ago updated by Support 1 year ago 3

Hello folks!

Since I updated to version 2021.16.2412 I can no longer define working targets. They look like

on the screenshot. Any idea what's happening?

Image 933



Support 1 year ago


I have checked your scene. Please update to our latest version 2021.17 and the problem should be fixed. Let me know if there are any other problems.




Connection with hololens 2

Fred André 2 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 1 year ago 2

is it possible to use the hololens 2, robo dk and realvirtual.io, so that I can manipulate the robot in augmented reality using the glasses (using my hands to move the robot or use gestures)?


Direction vector disappeared

Bo Adam 2 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 1 year ago 8


I used to have the purple direction vector of a drive visible in the scene window when selecting a component with a drive, but now it disappeared. Do you know how I can get it back? 

Support 1 year ago


please check if the gizmos are enabled and check the scale of them.

Regards Christin

    Not a bug

    Subscription not working

    Elio 2 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated 1 year ago 16

    Hello, we found some problem using the subscription method. Initially we used the polling method (not recommended), but eventually we found out that this starts failing when we try to capture values from different servers at the same time.

    Here is the project attached with some debug lines added. We are using Integration Objects OPC UA server to test the subscription.


    realvirtual's simulink interface

    Jiacheng Cui 2 years ago updated by Support 1 year ago 4

    您的文档描述了 realvirtual 的 simulink 接口,但我找不到相关块,并且电子邮件显示无法发送,我如何获取应用程序?谢谢!


    Errors after Realvirtual.io update to the latest version (2021.16)

    Bear 2 years ago updated by Support 2 years ago 1


    after updating to the latest Realvirtual.io version, I get the following errors in my project:


    Can you help fixing them?

    EDIT: I already fixed it (deleted old "recorder.cs")!

    Support 2 years ago

    Please delete the Recorder.cs script in the game4automation folder. This functionality has been replaced by the script DrivesRecorder.cs. With

    an update of an existing project, obsolete scripts are not automatically deleted. We will check here whether we can automate this.

    this automatically.


    OPCUA_Interface with Kepserverex Windows 11 communication issue

    Ernesto 2 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 1 year ago 3

    Dear all,

    I experienced a problem when connecting with Kepserverex OPCUA server through OPCUA_Interface in windows 11.

    When I specify the IP address in the OPCUA_Interface, the following error appears:

    Image 918

    Image 919

    Looks like the problem is in line 133 of the OPCUA_Interface script: 

    IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry (ServerIP).AddressList[0];

    If I remove this instruction, then the communication seems to be established.

    Image 920

    This issue doesn't happen when running the same version of Keperverex and Project Unity in Windows 10.

    Have any one experienced this issue?

    Thank you in advance!


    Interface Siemens SIMIT (PRO) to UNITY

    Benjamin@WSA 2 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 1 year ago 5

    Hello Thomas, 

    I would like to set up a connection from Unity to Simit via the "Siemens Simit (PRO)" interface. I downloaded the files from Siemens and installed according to the documentation. Then I tried to connect the whole thing to the realvirtual.io interface. The connection was also successful. According to the realvirtual.io documentation, the signals to be exchanged should be attached to the interface as "children". Now to the problem: Simit does not get the signals from Unity i have attached. Could you see where the Problem is?

    Image 916

    Image 917

    Thanks a lot for your help

    Support 1 year ago

    It is fixed in realvirtual Professional 2021.19 and 2022.02 and above.