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Scene and gamemode are different

linlinoful 1 year ago updated by Preliy 1 year ago 1


can someone explain, why the box does get bigger when switching in gamemode? How can i avoid it?

First picture shows scene mode (how i want it to look like), second shows gamemode.

Image 965

Image 966


why I cant change PLC input signal by sensor?

xingbutou 1 year ago updated by Support 1 year ago 3

Here is my problem.I have 2 signals:the “signal01” is to control object01  to move or to stop,and the “signal02” is to control another object02. I set a sensor called “sensor01” ,when object01 move to a certain place,the “sensor01” could detect it .However,it failed to change “signal02”,which is still false.

I have put relevant settings in those pictures below,can someone help me to resolve this strange problem?I have suffered from this one for nearly one week.

Image 964

Image 962

Image 963

sensor cannot work normally

xingbutou 1 year ago in General Questions updated by Support 1 year ago 6

I meet a simple but  truly strange problem.In the picture below,I‘m using a sensor to detect if something pass through.However,even I have put the Steuerschrank into MU layer,my sensor cannot detect it.In other occasion,I use the prefab--cans,this sensor could work normally.someone could help me?I have spend nearly one week on this problem. 

Image 958

Support 1 year ago

With a Raycast based Sensor you don't need to use colliders but you need to define the layers where the Raycast is sending to. It is the same Layer as the Sensor is and additional Layers which you can define. 

For a non Raycast (Box Collider) based Sensor - the Sensor should be normally on the layer rvSensor. Please also check the doc information about the collsission matrix for colliders.


Assertion failed on expression: 'CompareApproximately(SqrMagnitude(result), 1.0F)'

R S 1 year ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 1 year ago 2

I played the project on the "Game" screen. However, when I click the right mouse button, I get the following error and nothing is rendered on the "Game" screen.

- Assertion failed on expression: 'CompareApproximately(SqrMagnitude(result), 1.0F)'
UnityEngine.Quaternion:Internal_FromEulerRad (UnityEngine.Vector3)

- transform.position assign attempt for 'Main Camera' is not valid. Input position is { NaN, NaN, NaN }.
UnityEngine.Transform:set_position (UnityEngine.Vector3)

Ubuntu22.04, Unity 2022.3.7f1, realvirtual.io Digital Twin Professional 2022 Ver.2022.6.0Ubuntu22.04, Unity 2022.3.7f1, realvirtual.io Digital Twin Professional 2022 Ver.2022.6.0

Screencast from 2023年08月16日 23時43分29秒.webm

Support 1 year ago

Got it - Linux is not supporting Screen.dpi. You should insert this in line 456 in SceneMouseNavigation. It will be part of the next release in 3-4 weeks, for the moment you should change the code manually.

DPIScale = 1;
DPIScale = 144/Screen.dpi;


Creating a digital twin

linlinoful 1 year ago in General Questions 0

Hello friends,

i need some help at creating a digital twin of a logistic system. The Box should go over the transport system. Then when it arrives at the end (detected by Sensor) the Plattform (white) in the middle should take it and put it in the shelf. It has a OPC UA connection and the various variables are available. I need some help appling this in unity bc i'm a beginner and not know all of the components.

Image 952


Fehlermeldung Transportsurface

linlinoful 1 year ago in General Questions updated by Support 1 year ago 3


Ich bin gerade dabei einen Digitalen Zwilling eines automatischen Kleinlagers zu erstellen. Nun bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung wenn ich in den Game Modus gehen möchte. Ich vermute ich habe irgendwo ein Drive zu wenig. Könnt ihr mir sagen wo?

Darüber hinaus fällt meine Kiste ins unendliche und bleibt nicht auf dem Föderband stehen. Wie "befestige" ich die Position?

P.S.: Ich bin noch Anfängerin in diesem Gebiet und bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.

Image 948


Error importing the Package Ver.2022.6.0

R S 1 year ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 1 year ago 2

Image 947

I get this error when I import the package to Unity:

Unable to update following assemblies:Assets/realvirtual/CADLink/private/CMC-Kiesel/Plugins/CMCKiesel.UnityNativeImporter.dll (Name = CMCKiesel.UnityNativeImporter, Error = 131

Ubuntu22.04, Unity 2022.3.7f1, realvirtual.io Digital Twin Professional 2022 Ver.2022.6.0

Support 1 year ago

We changed and adopted all compile switches and Settings to Unity Editor on Linux. It will be in a few hours as a patch on the Unity Asset store. Please note, that SpaceNavigator, some special Interfaces (like SHM based for Simit) and CAD Step Import won't be available on Linux.

Not a bug

Interface losing connection after certain amount of time

ThomasDM 1 year ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 1 year ago 3

When connecting the OPCUA_Interface with a PLC I lose connection with the PLC after a certain amount of time. One kicks me out after 2 min, another after 15 min (2 different connections).

The interface seems not to notice the disconnect because the value of isConnected in the interface stays on true but if I check the connected clients to the PLC the interface is gone (which was there on startup).

Reading a value after the disconnect on node level gives me the status value: Connection error

I import the nodes with the editor button but remove all nodes I dont need. And I dont continuously get new values on the nodes I keep. I can have the same values (no changes) for long periods of time.

Does the Interface only keeps the connection alive if the values continuously update or is something else going wrong?

Support 1 year ago

Yes I understand but the used Library gives us no direct information about disconnection events. And I don't know exactly in your case who is closing the communication when nothing happens - is it the client or the server. I am closing this issue because for the moment we don't have a better solution.


.3mf import looks weird

Bram G. 1 year ago in CADLink updated by Support 1 year ago 2

When importing a .3mf file with CADLink, the material always looks strange. Following example is the sample car import with the .3mf (right bottom) and the .step file (left top). I tried changing many settings, own assets and sample assets, but I can't get rid of the strange colors. Am I missing something?

Image 938

Support 1 year ago

It could be solved easily and will be part of the next release. I will send you in a private message an update package.

Not a bug

Organizes Reference Infinity Loop Asyncua

konrad ebel 28 1 year ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 1 year ago 6

When loading the nodes from a asyncua server with an organizes refrence the loading ends in an infinity loop. I have the organizes refrence assigned to an object (against the standard), i dont know if this is the problem. When i use the client in the documentation to test the connection the client is working properly.