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Could I write I0.0 into PLCSIM?

Stupiddog 2 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated 2 years ago 2

Hello Thomas,I can connect Unity to PLCSIM S7-1200 CPU via nettoplcsim,and I can read Q0.0 and write I100.0,but I can't write I0.0,what should I do if I want write I0.0 from Unity to PLCSIM?Thank you very much。I have set Get/Put and export Symbol Table,but I can't write I0.0 into PLCSIM,if Iwant to make a virtual PLC like this,what should I do?

Image 625

Image 627

Image 629

Support 2 years ago

Hi, this issue is not known from our side. Are you sure that you are not overwriting I0.0 from somewhere else?



Lgcontrol 2 years ago updated by Support 1 year ago 4


I would like to use G4A to get WinMoD behavior signal and then according signal to  display in U3D  and also get feedback from G4A. WinMoD other side contion a physical PLC.

What kind of automation interface would be best select in G4A side ? OPC-UA?


Coupled IO Disappearing when starting game

Bo Adam 2 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 2 years ago 5


I am adding IO Using a small attachment to the provided game4automation Scripts (for example in Drive_Simple). 

For the drive simple example I use this code: 

Image 623

For my own scripts this works, but not for the provided game4automation scripts. I need to add IO using these functions because we have a lot of IO (+-5000). 

When I start the game, the IO is removed from the script (also in the inspector). Is there a way to fix this?

Support 2 years ago

Hi, I think you must Use  EditorUtility.SetDirty function.

Please also check page https://realvirtual.io/documentation/current/signalmanager.html and the example script on the page.


First person and orbit controls problem

wujustin809 3 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 2 years ago 4

Hey team! I just had a quick question regarding the cameras in the game4automation demo scene. 

I am trying to turn on the first person camera provided to us but unfortunately it is not working properly. What I want is the user to be able to walk around the game4automation scene in first person view and also have the full functionality of the normal orbit controls the scene currently has. May you please give me some instructions on how to do this? There seems to be no documentation about this. If the above is not possible, how can one turn on the first person controls and once a camera is clicked such as 1 or 2, orbit controls are turned on while first person is turned off. Then there needs to be an option to turn first person controls back on again. This is taking me much longer than it should where I believe it should be a simple fix on my end so I truly appreciate the help. Thank you in advance!

Support 2 years ago

1) We did not planned to support jumps. You could build your own logic by changing Assets/game4automation/private/RuntimeUI/FirstPersonController.cs

2) You could use this function and your own custom script for doing this:



Allen‑Bradley, Rockwell PLC Framework

kkellner 3 years ago updated by Support 2 years ago 18

Gibt es nativ eine direkte Schnittstelle zum Rockwell PLC Framework?

Ich konnte keine explizierte Erwähnung (wie für Siemens oder Beckhoff)


Support 3 years ago

All of them have the basic function of signal exchange with the PLC. The functionality essentially depends on what the interface to the PLC of the manufacturer enables.

The most comprehensive - including signal import via the interface - is the TwinCAT ADS interface.

With S7, the signals must be exported from Step7 via a standardized text file and imported into G4A.

With EthernetIP there is no standard for this. The signals must be created manually or imported via a non-standard text file.


Post Processing error when Integrating third party asset with game4automation

mahetajr 3 years ago in General Questions updated by Support 3 years ago 1

I have been facing a problem importing the game4automation asset (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/game4automation-digital-twin-starter-2020-139866#description) into a scene I made using an asset called CityGen3D (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/citygen3d-162468#description).

When I create a blank new project and use the game4automation asset without my own scene, it works perfectly fine. However, when I try importing the asset into my scene, I keep encountering a 'PostProcessing' error. If I double click on the error, it leads me to the code that contains some stuff about postprocessing (see second image attached). I am not sure what is causing this. May you be able to provide me some assistance? Please see attached images for the error.

Image 603

Image 604
Support 3 years ago


because your additional assets in the project are using Unity Postprocessing you need to put this into the Game4Automation.base Assembly definitions:

There is also some information about this here in the documentation:



Problems in OPCUA4Unity Output

Janik Tian 3 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated by Support 3 years ago 4

Servus, I'm using OPAUA Interface for my first Program, but there are some problems with communication when i write int and float format variables in my PLCs.  In Figure 3 and 4 I try to write INT values to "robotArmSuccess" but in OPC Server the corresponding values are not changed. Then I read Demo of OPCUA and modify my Program with the function WriteNodeValue(NodeId, value) , it did not work in PLC Server, according to figure 1 and 2 . Could you please give me some Guidance for this situation?  

Image 595

Figure 1

Image 596

Figure 2

Image 593

Figure 3

Image 594

Figure 4


Dies ist eine Frage zur Änderung der Farbe des Konveyor-Teils.

Mr Jin 3 years ago in realvirtual.io Starter and Professional updated by Support 3 years ago 4

Hallo. Ich benutze Game4Automation Simulation gut. Ich möchte wissen, wie man die Farbe eines Conveyor-Teils ändern kann.

Support 3 years ago

You just need to drag and drop a material with the wished color on the mesh of the frame.


Driver_Simple script does not accept OPC UA variable nodes

Ernesto 3 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated 2 years ago 17

Dear developers,

I was trying to connect a custom Game4Automation Scene to a PLC through OPCUA Interface.

I followed the instructions from this tutorial:

Youtube video

The OPCUAInterface is updating the nodes correctly:

Image 582

However, when I tried to link a bool variable node from the OPCUAInterface to the Driver_Simple interface dragging it and droping it into the forward variable, it wasn't accepted (the forbiden symbol appeared).

Image 583

If I use the PLC signal component I'm able to link the component without problems.

I'm using Unity 2021.3.2f1 Editor and the game4automation-Professional-2019.13 package (OPCUAInterface is not working in the latest version of G4A, see https://forum.game4automation.com/en/communities/1/topics/376-opcua-interface-error-in-activating-session).

Any idea of what am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!

Support 2 years ago

Hi Ernesto,

I am able to connect and to import the signals (even if I am not able to connect to the PLC because I don't have same setup).

Don't know where the problem is. Just for beeing sure I will send you again the latest code of the interface via mail. Please also check in Kepserver if you enabled anonymous login.


I can connect through OPCWATCH but when I try through G4A it doesn't work

Juliano Cortes 3 years ago in OPCUA4Unity updated 3 years ago 1
See the connection via OPCwatch
Image 578

When I try to import the nodes into UNITY see the errors. And I already tried ANONYMOUS SECURITUY POLICY 0.1 AND 2.
Image 579